Amazon - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
Amazon is a company lead by CationicGolf385. Cation and his employee, Crowblers, have large stocks of items ready to be sold.
Amazon currently sells products at Bordeaux on the beach. More god items to be sold soon.
Amazon has expanded into it's own nation, Biscay Amazon, where Cationicgolf385 and Crowblers will make large child labor factories to produce their products more efficiently.
Biscay Amazon unfortunately fell after Crowblers forgot to put gold into the nation bank.
Crowblers has made a new nation called Francia where he will expand infrastructure and create an empire to sell and produce more products more efficiently. Crowblers did not expect Francia to do so well and now it has over 100 members that will help him build infrastructure.
Amazon becomes the biggest company on MCATLAS lead by Crowblers and Cationicgolf385. Amazon still lives on inside world downloads...