Third party zh HK - Rudokhvist/ArchiSteamFarm GitHub Wiki
本節包括專門(或主要)與 ASF 配合使用的各種第三方工具內容。 它們包括 ASF 外掛程式, 簡單的 Web 應用程式,用於集成的內部庫, 以及適用于各種平台的全能機械人。 如果您想在此清單中添加一些內容, 請在Discord 或我們的 Steam 群組上聯絡我們。
Please note that below programs are not maintained by ASF developers and therefore we give no guarantee about any of them, especially in terms of security, safety or Steam ToS compliance. 此清單僅供參考。 You should always ensure that the third-party utility you're about to use is safe and legit enough for you, as you're using all of them at your own risk.
- ASF-Achievement-Manager, plugin for ASF that allows you to manage Steam achievements.
- BirthdayPlugin, plugin for ASF to receive birthday congratulations.
- BoosterCreator, plugin for ASF adding functionality of creating booster packs.
- Case-Insensitive-ASF,ASF外掛程式,使機械人名稱不必區分大小寫。
- Commandless-Redeem, ASF 外掛程式, 重新實現免命令金鑰兌換。
- ItemDispenser, plugin for ASF to automatically accept trade request for certain type(s) of items.
Selective-Loot-and-Transfer-Plugin, plugin for ASF providing advanced
command for transferring Steam items.
- FriendAccepter, plugin for ASF to automatically accept all friend invites.
- GameRemover, plugin for ASF implementing a command to remove Steam licenses for selected bot instances.
- GetEmail, plugin for ASF implementing a command to fetch e-mail address of given bot instances directly from Steam.
- ResetAPIKey, plugin for ASF implementing a command to reset API key for selected bot instances.
- SteamKitProxyInjection, plugin for ASF allowing proxifying WebSocket connections.
- ASFEnhance, plugin for ASF enhancing it with various new features, especially commands.
- ASFBot, 以Python 編寫、集成ASF功能的Telegram 機械人。
ASF STM userscript, for those who want to send automated trade offers to bots on our ASF STM listing through web browser, without using
feature provided by ASF. - telegram-asf, 另一個以Python 編寫、集成ASF基礎功能的(迷你)Telegram 機械人。
- ASF-IPC Python庫, 以便進一步集成 ASF 的 IPC 介面。
- AUR repo #1, 讓您可以輕鬆地在Arch Linux上安裝ASF。
- AUR repo #2, 讓您可以輕鬆地在Arch Linux上安裝ASF。
- Homebrew, allowing you to easily install ASF on macOS.
- Nix, allowing you to easily install ASF on distros with Nix.
- NixOS, allowing you to configure and install ASF with NixOS.
- **
Keys extractor</0 >, 允許您從各種格式的文本中複製/粘貼金鑰,並為 ASF創建 redeem
命令。 有關詳細資訊, 請查看 GitHub repo。
- ASF Mass Config Editor, 使您更輕鬆地管理多個ASF配置。
We recommend ArchiSteamFarm topic on GitHub for all projects that integrate with ASF.