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歡迎來到 ASF Wiki! Wiki 是一個涵蓋許多主題的線上說明,包括可能的問題、用法、設置等。 如果您想了解 ASF 的工作原理,尤其是如何安裝、配置和使用 ASF,則應遵循以下步驟。
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最新發佈的ASF版本</0 >。 如果您想在查閱基於特定時間點(例如先前的ASF版本)的 wiki 頁面,請參考**revisions**,您可在每個頁面的頂部找到它,並選擇適合於您的ASF版本。 我們保留當前以及先前主要ASF版本的所有頁面。
If you're a new user, we recommend starting with setting up guide. 您可以在螢幕右邊的側邊欄上找到其他所有相關的wiki頁面。 我們建議從頭開始,雖然您可以隨意閱讀任何您感有趣的東西,但ASF的知識是無限的。
If you need further help, please check out our support channels, which you can use for all the questions and technical difficulties.
GitHub issues page is being used for ASF development, especially in regards to bugs and enhancements. We have a very strict policy regarding that, as GitHub is not a general support channel, it's dedicated exclusively to ASF development and we're not answering common ASF matters there, as we have appropriate support channels for that. If you're not sure whether your matter relates to ASF development or not, we recommend to use a support channel instead. Invalid GitHub issues will be closed immediately and won't be answered.