Commands zh HK - Rudokhvist/ArchiSteamFarm GitHub Wiki
- 通過互動式 ASF 主控台
- 通過 Steam 私人聊天/群組聊天
- 通過我們的 IPC 介面
請注意,與 ASF 交互需要您擁有相關命令的許可權。 查看 SteamUserPermissions
和 SteamOwnerID
所有通過 Steam 聊天發送的命令都受 CommandPrefix
。 這意味著,當您要執行 status
命令時,實際應該發送 !status
(或者使用您自訂的 CommandPrefix
)。 CommandPrefix
不是強制性的,當您使用主控台或 IPC 時可以省略。
Starting with V4.0.0.9, ASF has support for interactive console, as long as you're not running in Headless
mode. Simply press c
button in order to enable command mode, type your command and confirm with enter.
您也可以通過 Steam 聊天向給定的 ASF 機械人發送命令。 顯然,您不能自言自語,因此,如果您想執行針對自己的命令,您至少需要另一個機械人帳戶。
同樣,您也可以使用給定Steam組的群聊。 請注意,此選項需要您正確設置 SteamMasterClanID
屬性,使機械人同樣監聽(並加入)指定的群組聊天。 這也可以用於「與自己交談」,因為它與私人聊天相反,不需要專用的機械人帳戶。 您只需將SteamMasterClanID
為您自己授予訪問權限。 這樣,ASF 機械人(即您自己的帳戶)將會加入這個群組和群組聊天室,並且開始監聽您發送的命令。 您可以加入同一個群組聊天室,以便向自己發送命令(因為在您向聊天室發送命令時,同樣在聊天室內的 ASF 實例將會收到命令,即使界面上顯示只有您自己在聊天室內)。
請注意,向群聊發送命令的行為類似于中繼。 如果您向一個含有 3 個機械人的群組聊天發送 redeem X
,其效果等同於分別在私人聊天中向每個機械人發送 redeem X
。 在大多數情況下,這不是您想要的效果,您應該像之前與單個機械人交談時一樣,向特定機械人
發送命令。 ASF 支持群組聊天,當且僅當您有唯一的機械人時,它是一種有效的通信方式,但如果您的群組中有多個 ASF 機械人,就最好不要在這裏執行命令,除非您完全理解 ASF 的相關行為,並且您確實想要讓所有的機械人執行相同的命令。
And even in this case you should use private chat with [Bots]
syntax instead.
這是最先進、靈活的執行命令方式,非常適合用戶集成(ASF-ui)或者第三方工具腳本(ASF API)。這種方式需要 ASF 運行在 IPC
模式下,並且客戶端需要通過 IPC 介面來執行命令。
命令 | 權限 | 描述 |
2fa [Bots] |
Master |
為指定機械人實例生成臨時**雙重驗證**代碼。 |
2fafinalize [Bots] <ActivationCode> |
Master |
Finalizes process of assigning new 2FA credentials for given bot instances. |
2fafinalized [Bots] <ActivationCode> |
Master |
Imports already-finalized 2FA credentials for given bot instances, using code for verification. |
2fafinalizedforce [Bots] |
Master |
Imports already-finalized 2FA credentials for given bot instances, skipping code verification. |
2fainit [Bots] |
Master |
Starts process of assigning new 2FA credentials for given bot instances. |
2fano [Bots] |
Master |
為指定機械人拒絕所有待處理的**雙重驗證**交易確認。 |
2faok [Bots] |
Master |
為指定機械人接受所有待處理的**雙重驗證**交易確認。 |
addlicense [Bots] <Licenses> |
Operator |
Activates given licenses , explained below, on given bot instances (free games only). |
balance [Bots] |
Master |
顯示指定機械人的 Steam 錢包餘額。 |
bgr [Bots] |
Master |
列印有關 BGR 佇列給定機械人實例的資訊。 |
encrypt <encryptionMethod> <stringToEncrypt> |
Owner |
Encrypts the string using provided cryptographic method - further explained below. |
exit |
Owner |
完全終止ASF進程。 |
farm [Bots] |
Master |
重啟指定機械人實例的掛卡模組。 |
fb [Bots] |
Master |
Lists apps blacklisted from automatic farming of given bot instances. |
fbadd [Bots] <AppIDs> |
Master |
Adds given appIDs to apps blacklisted from automatic farming of given bot instances. |
fbrm [Bots] <AppIDs> |
Master |
Removes given appIDs from apps blacklisted from automatic farming of given bot instances. |
fq [Bots] |
Master |
Lists priority farming queue of given bot instances. |
fqadd [Bots] <AppIDs> |
Master |
Adds given appIDs to priority farming queue of given bot instances. |
fqrm [Bots] <AppIDs> |
Master |
Removes given appIDs from farming queue of given bot instances. |
hash <hashingMethod> <stringToHash> |
Owner |
Generated a hash of the string using provided cryptographic method - further explained below. |
help |
FamilySharing |
顯示幫助(指向此頁面的連結)。 |
input [Bots] <Type> <Value> |
Master |
為指定機械人輸入特定字段的值,僅在 Headless 模式中可用──詳見**下文**的解釋。 |
level [Bots] |
Master |
顯示指定機械人實例的 Steam 等級。 |
loot [Bots] |
Master |
將指定機械人實例的所有 LootableTypes 社區物品發送給其 SteamUserPermissions 屬性中設置的 Master 用戶(如有多個則取 steamID 最小的)。 |
loot@ [Bots] <AppIDs> |
Master |
Sends all LootableTypes Steam community items matching given AppIDs of given bot instances to Master user defined in their SteamUserPermissions (with lowest steamID if more than one). This is the opposite of loot% . |
loot% [Bots] <AppIDs> |
Master |
Sends all LootableTypes Steam community items apart from given AppIDs of given bot instances to Master user defined in their SteamUserPermissions (with lowest steamID if more than one). This is the opposite of loot@ . |
loot^ [Bots] <AppID> <ContextID> |
Master |
將指定機械人實例的ContextID 庫存分類中符合特定 AppID 的物品發送給其 SteamUserPermissions 屬性中設置的 Master 用戶(如果有多個則取 steamID 最小的)。 |
mab [Bots] |
Master |
Lists apps blacklisted from automatic trading in MatchActively . |
mabadd [Bots] <AppIDs> |
Master |
Adds given appIDs to apps blacklisted from automatic trading in MatchActively . |
mabrm [Bots] <AppIDs> |
Master |
Removes given appIDs from apps blacklisted from automatic trading in MatchActively . |
match [Bots] |
Master |
Special command for ItemsMatcherPlugin which triggers MatchActively routine immediately. |
nickname [Bots] <Nickname> |
Master |
將指定機械人的Steamnickname 更改為自訂昵稱。 |
owns [Bots] <Games> |
Operator |
Checks if given bot instances already own given games , explained below. |
暫停 [Bots] |
Operator |
停止指定機械人的自動掛卡模組。 ASF 在本次會話中將不會再嘗試對當前帳戶進行掛卡,除非您手動 resume 或者重啟 ASF。 |
pause~ [Bots] |
FamilySharing |
暫停指定機械人的自動掛卡模組。 掛卡進程將會在下次遊戲事件被觸發時或機械人斷開連接時自動恢復。 您可以使用resume 命令以恢復掛卡。 |
pause& [Bots] <Seconds> |
Operator |
暂停指定機械人的自动挂卡模块 seconds 秒。 之後,掛卡模組將自動恢復。 |
play [Bots] <AppIDs,GameName> |
Master |
切換至手動掛卡模式──使指定機械人運行特定的AppIDs ,並且可選自訂 GameName 為當前遊戲名稱。 In order for this feature to work properly, your Steam account must own a valid license to all the AppIDs that you specify here, this includes F2P games as well. Use reset or resume for returning. |
points [Bots] |
Master |
Displays number of points in Steam store. |
privacy [Bots] <Settings> |
Master |
更改指定機械人的 Steam 隱私設置,可用選項將於**下文**詳述。 |
redeem [Bots] <Keys> |
Operator |
為指定機械人實例兌換給定的CD金鑰或錢包充值碼。 |
redeem^ [Bots] <Modes> <Keys> |
Operator |
以Modes 模式為指定機械人實例兌換給定的CD金鑰或錢包充值碼,模式將於**下文**詳述。 |
reset [Bots] |
Master |
Resets the playing status back to original (previous) state, the command is used during manual farming with play command. |
restart |
Owner |
重啟 ASF 進程。 |
繼續 [Bots] |
FamilySharing |
恢復指定機械人的自動掛卡進程。 |
start [Bots] |
Master |
啟動指定機械人實例。 |
stats |
Owner |
顯示進程統計信息,例如託管記憶體用量。 |
status [Bots] |
FamilySharing |
顯示指定機械人的狀態。 |
std |
Owner |
Special command for SteamTokenDumperPlugin which triggers submission of data immediately. |
stop [Bots] |
Master |
停止指定機械人的進程。 |
tb [Bots] |
Master |
列出指定機械人實例交易模組中的用戶黑名單。 |
tbadd [Bots] <SteamIDs64> |
Master |
將特定的 steamIDs 加入指定機械人實例交易模組的用戶黑名單。 |
tbrm [Bots] <SteamIDs64> |
Master |
將特定的 steamIDs 移出指定機械人實例交易模組的用戶黑名單。 |
transfer [Bots] <TargetBot> |
Master |
Sends all TransferableTypes Steam community items from given bot instances to target bot instance. |
transfer@ [Bots] <AppIDs> <TargetBot> |
Master |
Sends all TransferableTypes Steam community items matching given AppIDs from given bot instances to target bot instance. This is the opposite of transfer% . |
transfer% [Bots] <AppIDs> <TargetBot> |
Master |
Sends all TransferableTypes Steam community items apart from given AppIDs from given bot instances to target bot instance. This is the opposite of transfer@ . |
transfer^ [Bots] <AppID> <ContextID> <TargetBot> |
Master |
Sends all Steam items from given AppID in ContextID of given bot instances to target bot instance. |
unpack [Bots] |
Master |
拆開指定機械人物品庫中的所有擴充包。 |
update [Channel] |
Owner |
Checks GitHub for new ASF release and updates to it if available. This is normally done automatically every UpdatePeriod . Optional Channel argument specifies the UpdateChannel , if not provided defaults to the one set in global config. |
version |
FamilySharing |
列印當前 ASF 的版本號。 |
Arguments follow UNIX philosophy, square brackets [Optional]
indicate that given argument is optional, while angle brackets <Mandatory>
indicate that given argument is mandatory. You should replace the arguments that you want to declare, such as [Bots]
or <Nickname>
with actual values that you want to issue the command with, omitting the braces.
argument, as indicated by the brackets, is optional in all commands. 當指定該參數時,指令會在指定的機械人上執行。 但省略時,指令會在當前接收指令的機械人上執行。 換句話說,發送到機械人 B
的status A
發送到機械人 A
僅作為代理。 This can also be used for sending commands to bots that are unavailable otherwise, for example starting stopped bots, or executing actions on your main account (that you're using for executing the commands).
命令的Access定義了需要執行此命令所需的最低許可權,即 SteamUserPermissions
中定義的 EPermission
,例外情況是 Owner
指全域配置檔案中的 SteamOwnerID
Plural arguments, such as [Bots]
, <Keys>
or <AppIDs>
mean that command supports multiple arguments of given type, separated by a comma. For example, status [Bots]
can be used as status MyBot,MyOtherBot,Primary
. 這樣,該命令會在所有目標機械人上執行,效果等同分別向所有機械人單獨發送 status
命令。 需要注意的是,
ASF 使用所有空白字元作為命令的分隔符號,例如空格和換行符。 這意味著您不僅可以使用空格來分隔參數,還可以使用任何其他空白字元(如選項卡或換行符號)。
ASF 會將命令末尾超出規定範圍的多餘參數「聯接」到符合語法規定的最後一個參數上。 This means that redeem bot key1 key2 key3
for redeem [Bots] <Keys>
will work exactly the same as redeem bot key1,key2,key3
. 當您同時使用換行作為命令分隔符號,就可編寫redeem bot
,然後粘貼由任何可接受的分隔符號 (如分行符號) 或標準 ,
ASF分隔符號分隔的序號清單。 Keep in mind that this trick can be used only for command variant that uses the most amount of arguments (so specifying [Bots]
is mandatory in this case).
如上所述,空白字元被用作命令的分隔符號,因此它不能在參數中使用。 但是,如上所述,ASF可以聯接超出範圍的參數, 這意味著您實際上能夠在參數中使用空白字元,該字元被定義為給定命令的最後一個字元。 例如,nickname bob Great Bob
將正確地將機械人 bob
的昵稱設置為「Great Bob」。 與此類似,您可以使用owns
Some commands are also available with their aliases, mostly to save you on typing or account for different dialects:
命令 | 別名 |
addlicense |
addlicence |
owns ASF |
oa |
status ASF |
sa |
redeem |
r |
redeem^ |
r^ |
argument is a special variant of plural argument, as in addition to accepting multiple values it also offers extra functionality.
首要的是,您可以使用特殊的關鍵字 ASF
來表示「所有機械人」,因此 status ASF
命令等同與status all,your,bots,listed,here
。 這也可用於輕鬆識別您有權訪問的機械人,因為儘管 ASF
argument supports special "range" syntax, which allows you to choose a range of bots more easily. The general syntax for [Bots]
in this case is <FirstBot>..<LastBot>
. 例如,如果您有名為 A, B, C, D, E, F
的機械人,在這種情況下,执行 status B..E
的效果等於执行 status B,C,D,E
。 使用此語法時,ASF將使用字母排序,以决定哪些機械人在指定的範圍內。 FirstBot
and LastBot
must be valid bot names recognized by ASF, otherwise range syntax is entirely skipped.
In addition to range syntax above, [Bots]
argument also supports regex matching. 您可以使用 r!<Pattern>
作為機械人名稱來激活正則運算式模式,其中 r!
是用於正則運算式匹配的ASF啟動命令,而 <Pattern>
是您的正則運算式。 An example of a regex-based bot command would be status r!^\d{3}
which will send status
command to bots that have a name made out of 3 digits (e.g. 123
and 981
). 您可以隨時閱讀這份**文檔**,以進一步了解更多可用正則運算式的解釋和示例。
參數擁有多至 7 個不同的選項,使用逗號分隔。 這些選項,按順序分別是:
參數 | 名稱 | 從屬於 |
1 | Profile | |
2 | OwnedGames | Profile |
3 | Playtime | OwnedGames |
4 | FriendsList | Profile |
5 | Inventory | Profile |
6 | InventoryGifts | Inventory |
7 | Comments | Profile |
有關上述字段的說明,請訪問 Steam 隱私設置。
值 | 名稱 |
1 | Private |
2 | FriendsOnly |
3 | Public |
您可以使用它們的名稱(不區分大小寫)或者數值。 省略的參數將會被設置為預設值 Private
。 請謹記上述參數的從屬關係非常重要,因為子選項無法擁有比父選項更高的許可權。 例如,如果您將個人資料設置為 Private
,就無法再將遊戲詳情設置為 Public
如果您希望將機械人 Main
的所有隱私設置都設置為 Private
privacy Main 1
privacy Main Private
這是因為 ASF 會預設所有未賦值選項為 Private
,所以您不需要全部寫出它們。 另一方面,如果您希望設置所有選項為 Public
privacy Main 3,3,3,3,3,3,3
privacy Main Public,Public,Public,Public,Public,Public,Public
privacy Main Public,FriendsOnly,Private,Public,Public,Private,Public
上述命令將會設置個人資料為公開、遊戲詳情為僅限好友、遊戲時間為私密、好友列表為公開、物品庫為公開、物品庫禮物為私密、留言為公開。 若有需要,您也可以使用數字值來實現相同效果。
請記住子選項的許可權無法高於父選項。 有關可用選項,請參閱參數關係。
command supports two different license types, those are:
類型 | 別名 | 範例 | 描述 |
app |
a |
app/292030 |
Game determined by its unique appID . |
sub |
s |
sub/47807 |
Package containing one or more games, determined by its unique subID . |
The distinction is important, as ASF will use Steam network activation for apps, and Steam store activation for packages. Those two are not compatible with each other, typically you'll use apps for free weekends and permanently F2P games, and packages otherwise.
We recommend to explicitly define the type of each entry in order to avoid ambiguous results, but for the backwards compatibility, if you supply invalid type or omit it entirely, ASF will assume that you ask for sub
in this case. You can also query one or more of the licenses at the same time, using standard ASF ,
Complete command example:
addlicense ASF app/292030,sub/47807
command supports several different game types for <games>
argument that can be used, those are:
類型 | 別名 | 範例 | 描述 |
app |
a |
app/292030 |
Game determined by its unique appID . |
sub |
s |
sub/47807 |
Package containing one or more games, determined by its unique subID . |
regex |
r |
regex/^\d{4}: |
Regex applying to the game's name, case-sensitive. See the docs for complete syntax and more examples. |
名稱 |
n |
name/Witcher |
Part of the game's name, case-insensitive. |
We recommend to explicitly define the type of each entry in order to avoid ambiguous results, but for the backwards compatibility, if you supply invalid type or omit it entirely, ASF will assume that you ask for app
if your input is a number, and name
otherwise. You can also query one or more of the games at the same time, using standard ASF ,
Complete command example:
owns ASF app/292030,name/Witcher
命令允許您微調用於單個兌換場景的模式。 此命令會臨時覆蓋 RedeemingPreferences
參數接受多個模式值,通常用逗號分隔。 可用的模式值如下所示:
值 | 名稱 | 描述 |
FAWK | ForceAssumeWalletKey | Forces AssumeWalletKeyOnBadActivationCode redeeming preference to be enabled |
FD | ForceDistributing | 強制啟用 Distributing 激活偏好設置 |
FF | ForceForwarding | 強制啟用 Forwarding 激活偏好設置 |
FKMG | ForceKeepMissingGames | 強制啟用 KeepMissingGames 激活偏好設置 |
SAWK | SkipAssumeWalletKey | Forces AssumeWalletKeyOnBadActivationCode redeeming preference to be disabled |
SD | SkipDistributing | 強制禁用 Distributing 激活偏好設置 |
SF | SkipForwarding | 強制禁用 Forwarding 激活偏好設置 |
SI | SkipInitial | 跳過初始機械人的金鑰兌換過程 |
SKMG | SkipKeepMissingGames | 強制禁用 KeepMissingGames 激活偏好設置 |
V | Validate | 檢查金鑰格式是否正確,並自動跳過無效金鑰 |
例如,我們打算為尚未擁有遊戲的機械人兌換 3 個金鑰,但不包括 primary
機械人。 為此我們需要執行命令:
redeem^ primary FF,SI key1,key2,key3
選項。 舉例來說,如果您在 RedeemingPreferences
中啟用了 Distributing
,則無論是否使用 FD
。 這就是為什麼每個可強制啟用的重寫也有一個可強制禁用的選項,若有需要,您可以決定在啟用的情況下強制覆蓋,反之亦然。
command allows you to encrypt arbitrary strings using ASF's encryption methods. <encryptionMethod>
must be one of the encryption methods specified and explained in security section. We recommend to use this command through secure channels (ASF console or IPC interface, which also has a dedicated API endpoint for it), as otherwise sensitive details might get logged by various third-parties (such as chat messages being logged by Steam servers).
command allows you to generate hashes of arbitrary strings using ASF's hashing methods. <hashingMethod>
must be one of the hashing methods specified and explained in security section. We recommend to use this command through secure channels (ASF console or IPC interface, which also has a dedicated API endpoint for it), as otherwise sensitive details might get logged by various third-parties (such as chat messages being logged by Steam servers).
command can be used only in Headless
mode, for inputting given data via IPC or Steam chat when ASF is running without support for user interaction.
General syntax is input [Bots] <Type> <Value>
不區分大小寫,並定義由ASF識別的輸入類型。 當前,ASF可識別以下類型:
類型 | 描述 |
Login |
SteamLogin 機械人配置屬性,在設定檔缺失這個值時使用。 |
Password |
SteamPassword 機械人配置屬性,在設定檔缺失這個值時使用。 |
SteamGuard | 如果您未啟用2FA,驗證代碼將以電子郵件的方式發送。 |
SteamParentalCode |
SteamParentalCode 機械人配置屬性,在設定檔缺失這個值時使用。 |
TwoFactorAuthentication | 如果您使用的是2FA, 但未使用 ASF 2FA, 則從您的手機生成2FA代碼 。 |
DeviceConfirmation | Determines whether confirmation popup for login was accepted |
是為給定類型設置的值。 當前,所有值都是字串。
假設我們有一個未啟用2FA,僅由 SteamGuard保護的機械人。 We want to launch that bot with Headless
set to true
start MySteamGuardBot
-> Bot will attempt to log in, fail due to AuthCode needed, then stop due to running in Headless
mode. 我們需要這樣做的目的是使Steam網絡通過電子郵件向我們發送驗證代碼──如果不需要這樣做,我們將完全跳過這一步。
input MySteamGuardBot SteamGuard ABCDE
-> We set SteamGuard
input of MySteamGuardBot
bot to ABCDE
. 當然,在這種情況下,ABCDE
start MySteamGuardBot
-> We start our (stopped) bot again, this time it automatically uses auth code that we set in previous command, properly logging in, then clearing it.
同樣,我們可以訪問受2FA 保護的機械人 (如果它們不使用 ASF 2FA),只需在運行時設置其他必需的屬性。