Ubuntu Mate Live USB Stick - RubyStarters/Ideas GitHub Wiki
Bootstrapping Procedure
or: how to create the USB-Stick yourself
We started with the 32-bit Version of Ubuntu to be able to run on older netbooks. That didn't boot on a Mac and wasn't bearable on netbooks with USB 2.0 ports only anyways.
Download Ubuntu Mate 15.10 64-bit PC ISO
Install ISO to USB-Stick using Unetbootin
- Max out
Space used to preserve Files on Reboots
. We will use this file system to install Ruby, Rails and other useful tools.
- Max out
Boot into the USB-Stick. Everything you are doing will be persisted, so that you only have to do it once.
Enable the local firewall (in the console: [Applications] - [System Tools] - [Mate Terminal])
sudo ufw enable
Set up your network connection
Set your keyboard layout preferences in
[System] - [Preferences] - [Hardware] - [Keyboard] - [Layouts] -
Update package information
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Installing Ruby via RVM
- Add Keys
gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
- Install prerequesite curl
sudo apt-get install curl
- Install rvm
\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
- Modify .bashrc (necessary due to mate-terminal)
sudo pluma .bashrc
- Enter as last line
source /home/ubuntu-mate/.rvm/scripts/rvm
- Save and leave editor pluma
- Close the terminal and open a new one
- Check correct installation of RVM
type rvm | head -n1
needs to respond with rvm is a function, otherwise the installation was not successfull - Install the latest version of Ruby
rvm install ruby
- Add Keys
Install Rails
gem install rails
Other usefull gems are sqlite3 (to use SQLite as a development database), pg (to use PostgreSQL on Heroku), paperclip (for image attachments), devise (for user authentification)
- The PostgreSQL gem pq need a library intstalled locally as a prerequesite
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
gem install sqlite3 pg paperclip devise
- The PostgreSQL gem pq need a library intstalled locally as a prerequesite
Installing Atom Editor
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install atom
Install Git and a Gui for Git: Giggle
sudo apt-get install git giggle
Install offline documentation browser Zeal
sudo apt-get install zeal
- Install docsets in [File] - [Options] - [Docsets]
- Probably usefull are Bootstrap 3, CSS, HTML, Javascript, PostgreSQL, Ruby 2, Ruby On Rails 4, SQLite
- The [Download] Button starts the actual download, the [OK] doesn't.
Install Chromium Browser
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser
You can copy menu items from the start menu to the panel via Right-Click on them and
[Add this launucher to panel]