Nightly tasks - RubinLab/epad-ws GitHub Wiki

Every night at 1 a.m VerifyImageGeneration of ImageCheckTask and RemotePACQueryTask is executed



  • Retrieves all series that are ready in dcm4che database (pacsdb)
  • Then for each series, verifies that each image in a DICOM series in DCM4CHEE has an entry for a generated PNG file in the ePAD database. Gets unprocessed images in each series and add them to pipeline for png generation.
  • Returns a response containing a message about the number of missing pngs and invalid pngs if any

Image check class can also be used to fix a specific series.


  • Can be triggered manually using http:/epad-url/epad/imagecheck/?seriesUID=uid
  • Deletes the existing pngs for the series
  • Then adds all images in the series to the png generator pipeline


  • Gets and processes all enabled PAC queries
  • Queries can be weekly, monthly or daily