120 Raspberry Pi con Audioinjector I2S sound card - Rsantct/FIRtro-light GitHub Wiki
Entrada analógica
Se ha observado una sensibilidad escasa en la entrada analógica de esta tarjeta, lo que supone que algunas fuentes pueden tener un nivel muy bajo.
Podremos 'amplificar' la señal obtenida en system:capture
, ver AQUI
Audioinjector I2S sound card by Flatmax.org
Manual setup method
- Ensure you have the latest kernel : sudo rpi-update
Make sure the default audio device tree is not loaded for PWM output (/boot/config.txt), this is because it uses the same I2S bus. (Comment out dtparam=audio=on)
Make sure the Audio Injector device tree is loaded at boot time : dtoverlay=audioinjector-wm8731-audio
Reboot to force the correct device tree to load.
Service files:
alsactl --file /usr/share/doc/audioInjector/asound.state.RCA.thru.test restore
alsactl --file /usr/share/doc/audioInjector/asound.state.MIC.thru.test restore
$ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: audioinjectorpi [audioinjector-pi-soundcard], device 0: AudioInjector audio wm8731-hifi-0 []
Subdevices: 0/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
Ajustes de amixer ALSA:
Aqui aparecen algunas referencias a este tipo de controles amixer, aunque nuestra tarjeta tiene otro chip WM8731 (snd_soc_wm8731) https://wiki.analog.com/resources/tools-software/linux-drivers/sound/ssm2602#supported_devices
Yo los tengo así:
'Master Playback ZC Switch'=off,off ¿¿¿???
'Master Playback Volume'=121,121 0 dB
'Line Capture Switch'=on,on
'Mic Boost Volume'=0
'Mic Capture Switch'=off
'ADC High Pass Filter Switch'=off subsonic?
'Capture Volume'=23,23 0 dB
'Playback Deemphasis Switch'=off
'Output Mixer HiFi Playback Switch'=on pone el DAC en la salida
'Output Mixer Line Bypass Switch'=off es un LineIn monitor
'Output Mixer Mic Sidetone Switch'=off ¿¿??
'Sidetone Playback Volume'=0 ¿¿??
'Store DC Offset Switch'=off ¿¿??
firtro@rpi2fir:~ $ amixer -Dhw:audioinjectorpi scontents
Simple mixer control 'Master',0
Capabilities: pvolume
Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
Limits: Playback 0 - 127
Front Left: Playback 121 [95%] [0.00dB]
Front Right: Playback 121 [95%] [0.00dB]
Simple mixer control 'Master Playback ZC',0
Capabilities: pswitch
Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
Front Left: Playback [off]
Front Right: Playback [off]
Simple mixer control 'Sidetone',0
Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined
Playback channels: Mono
Limits: Playback 0 - 3
Mono: Playback 0 [0%] [-15.00dB]
Simple mixer control 'Line',0
Capabilities: cswitch
Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
Front Left: Capture [on]
Front Right: Capture [on]
Simple mixer control 'Mic',0
Capabilities: cswitch cswitch-joined
Capture channels: Mono
Mono: Capture [off]
Simple mixer control 'Mic Boost',0
Capabilities: volume volume-joined
Playback channels: Mono
Capture channels: Mono
Limits: 0 - 1
Mono: 0 [0%] [0.00dB]
Simple mixer control 'Playback Deemphasis',0
Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
Playback channels: Mono
Mono: Playback [off]
Simple mixer control 'Capture',0
Capabilities: cvolume
Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
Limits: Capture 0 - 31
Front Left: Capture 23 [74%] [0.00dB]
Front Right: Capture 23 [74%] [0.00dB]
Simple mixer control 'ADC High Pass Filter',0
Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
Playback channels: Mono
Mono: Playback [off]
Simple mixer control 'Input Mux',0
Capabilities: enum
Items: 'Line In' 'Mic'
Item0: 'Line In'
Simple mixer control 'Output Mixer HiFi',0
Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
Playback channels: Mono
Mono: Playback [on]
Simple mixer control 'Output Mixer Line Bypass',0
Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
Playback channels: Mono
Mono: Playback [off]
Simple mixer control 'Output Mixer Mic Sidetone',0
Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
Playback channels: Mono
Mono: Playback [off]
Simple mixer control 'Store DC Offset',0
Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
Playback channels: Mono
Mono: Playback [off]
firtro@rpi2fir:~ $