Developers - RoyalBingBong/meView GitHub Wiki

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Run npm install
    It will install the dev-dependencies and the app's dependencies (app/node_modules)
  3. Code from app/src/ will be transpiled with babel to app/js.
    • Use npm run babel or npm run babel:w to transpile your code (:w will watch for changes)
  4. Use npm start (or npm run debug) to run the meView (with Developer menu enabled)


When running meView in development-mode (ELECTRON_ENV=development) or when enabling developer mode in the Settings, you will get access to the Developer menu, which in return allows you to:

  • Reload meView via Ctrl+R
  • Use the Chrome DevTools
  • Open UserData folder in a quick way


Code is run through Prettier nad if necessary through eslint --fix (arrow-parens is a bit weird with Prettier in VS Code)