Objectives - Rosstail/Nodewar GitHub Wiki

An objective is a kind of gamemode for a territory that able empires to conquer or neutralize it. Soon, developpers will be able to add their own objective, inside Nodewar or as an add-on.


In order to conquer a territory with this objective, the players of an empire must enter the territory region and stay inside. The defenders can counter (and cancel) by the same way.

Example :

        region: brionac_plateau
            type: CONTROL
            max-resistance: <int>
            attackers-ratio: <float>
            neutral-period: <boolean>
  • max-resistance : The maximum amount of time (in secondes) to neutralize or capture the point. The attackers make this number decrease while the defenders restore it.
  • attackers-ratio : The percentage (from 0 as 0% to 1 as 100%) of attackers needed in order to conquer or neutralize the territory. If multiple empires reach this ratio, nobody will get the advantage, so no conquest or regen.
  • neutral-period : If enabled, when the defenders lose the territory, the territory will be neutralized instead of being immediatly conquered.


The struggle objective of a territory will check the empires of every territories used to conquer or defend it. Depending of who get the biggest score, the territory will lose or regain resistance. If the resistance is down to zero, the biggest attacker will conquer the territory.


        region: fort_merceus
            type: STRUGGLE
            max-resistance: 180
                    defense-regen: 3
                    attack-damage: 2
                    defense-regen: 2
                    attack-damage: 1
                    defense-regen: 5
                    attack-damage: 2
  • max-resistance : The maximum amount of time (in secondes) to neutralize or capture the point. The attackers make this number decrease while the defenders restore it.

  • defense-regen: The resistance given to the objective if the territory used is owned by the actual defender.

  • attack-damage: The damages inflicted to the territory if an attacker owns the used territory.


The King of the Hill will give victory to the first empire that hold the used territory long enough. When an empire owns the used territory, a countdown will begin. If another empire beat the owner and replace it, the countdown will be paused but not reset.

The coundowns reset only when the territory is conquered or defended.


        region: seiros_church
            type: KOTH
            max-timer: 360
            territory: "garreg_mach"
  • max-timer : the amount of time (in seconds), an empire must hold the used territory in order to conquer the territory.
  • territory : teh territory used to know who has the advantage here.
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