2.0 ‐ Teams - Rosstail/Nodewar GitHub Wiki

Nodewar has his own team system but is compatible with Towny. You can parameter some global parameters in the config.yml


  system: <String>
  none-color: <String>
  deploy-timer: <integer>
  deploy-cooldown: <integer>
  creation-cost: <integer>
  default-relation: <String>
  maximum-members: <integer>
  name-min-length: <integer>
  name-max-length: <integer>
  shortname-min-length: <integer>
  shortname-max-length: <integer>
  • system: Choose between "nodewar" or "Towny", case-sensitive. If Towny system is set, then use Towny commands to manage the teams, some Nodewar commands will be disabled to avoid conflicts.
  • none-color: The color used in many places if a player does not have any team.
  • deploy-timer: The delay a player must not move upon using /nodewar team deploy <territory> (region).
  • deploy-cooldown: The amount of time a player must wait before using /nodewar team deploy again.

The following parameters will be ignored if Towny system is enabled.

  • creation-cost: The money of player needed in order to create his team.
  • maximum-members: The maximum amount of player in a team.
    • 0 means no player in any team (what).

    • -1 means unlimited.

  • name-min-length: The minimum amount of characters required to create the team
  • name-max-length: The maximum amount of characters required to create the team (Capped to 33 because of technical issues like permission groups name size)
  • short-name-min-length: The minimum amount of characters required to set the prefix.
  • short-name-min-length: The maximum amount of characters required to set the prefix.
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