Proposal - RossC3/ECE387FinalProject GitHub Wiki
The goal of this project is to create a smart weight lifting belt that can help improve performance and safety. Ideally, this technology could then be integrated into a larger system to improve overall gym experience.
- Balance sensing to keep correct form and posture
- Speed-sensing for appropriate pacing of repetitions
- Haptic feedback to correct for shifts in the correct posture or balance
- Fall or Strain detection in case of a lack of spotter
- User by User experience with RFID or NFC
- Weight Lifting Belt
- Gyroscope and Accelerometer
- EMG Sensor
- NFC reader and writer
- Haptics (Rumbler or Buzzer)
- Raspberry Pi
Timeline Rough Draft
- 3/14 - 4/1: Get materials and experiment with Sensors
- 4/1 - 4/26: Building System and Testing
- 4/26 - 5/3: Final Report and Trouble Shooting