Features - Rosewood-Development/RoseStacker GitHub Wiki


RoseStacker has a huge amount of features, and we're always accepting suggestions! If you want to see more stuff be added, tell us on our Discord server!

Our List of Features

Here's a sneak peak into what you can do:


Spawner Stack Settings

  • Silk touch permissions, level requirement, protection, and drop chance.
  • Disable mob AI.
  • Spawner GUI that shows information like spawner stats, spawn conditions, and whether or not mobs are able to spawn.
  • Mob spawn multiplier customizable based on the amount of spawners in the stack.
  • Change the minimum and maximum tick rates for spawning, which allows you to change how slowly or quickly mobs will be spawned.
  • Configurable player activation range.
  • Choose how far away entities can spawn from their spawners.
  • Edit the max amount of entities allowed near a spawner before allowing spawns to continue.
  • Explosion protection.
  • Configurable percentage or set amounts for stack loss to explosion damage.
  • Put spawners directly into a player's inventory when broken.
  • Break entire stack while sneaking.
  • Receive a bundled stack or individual spawners upon breaking a stack.
  • Drop spawners directly into inventory when broken.
  • Force spawners to stack if they are within range of another spawner.
  • Deactivation with a redstone current.
  • Change the mob type with spawn eggs.


Entity Stack Settings

  • Merge all entities in a chunk.
  • Conditions to unstack entities.
  • Entire stack special death conditions.
  • Mob quick kills.
  • Only stack mobs if they're not in a specific state, like being on the ground, in water, or if they are in line of sight of another mob.
  • Toggle mobs stacking only if they are spawned from a spawner.
  • Customizable stack frequency, allowing you to choose how often nearby entities get stacked.
  • Transform entire stacks of mobs, such as zombies drowning or pigs getting struck by lightning.
  • Show custom names on stacked entities.
  • Save custom attributes, like custom max health or custom damage.
  • Drop accurate items and experience when killing entire stacks.
  • Transfer knockback to the next entity in the stack upon entity death.
  • Stack mobs downwards, which is useful for mob grinders.
  • Damage all mobs in a stack under certain conditions.
  • Mob cumulative breeding.
  • Stack tool that allows the unstacking and debugging of stacks. ​


Block Stack Settings

  • Block GUI to allow the mass placement or removal of blocks of a stack.
  • Explosion protection.
  • Configurable percentage or set amounts for stack loss to explosion damage.
  • Setting to retrieve entire stack if mined while sneaking. ​


Settings For All Stacks

  • Choose the minimum and maximum stack sizes for each stack type.
  • Commands to give bundled stacks.
  • Merge radii for entities and items.
  • Disable stacking on a per-type basis.
  • Disable the plugin on a per-world basis.
  • Editable display names.
  • Disable nametags.
  • Hide nametags if there is only one of a type in a stack. ​


Dynamic Nametag Settings

  • Configurable range at which you can view nametags from stacks in the world.
  • Enable or disable dynamic view range for nametags.
  • Hide nametags if they aren't in line of sight of the player.


Other Features

  • Fully functional reload command that will actually reload all of your files and changes.
  • Translation command that changes names in the files to a specified language.
  • Fully editable language files that allow for full plugin translation.