Custom Channels - Rosewood-Development/RoseChat GitHub Wiki


Custom channels allow you to create a channel for players to send messages in. These can be added to your own plugins to support RoseChat.


Examples can be found in the source code, as RoseChat creates custom channels for several different plugins. These can be found here.

One of the simplest examples would be the SimpleClans support, here.

Channel Providers

A ChannelProvider provides RoseChat with information about the channels that may be needed before the channels are created.

Overriding the getChannels() function allows channel providers to create single instances of channels. There will only ever be one of each channel.

List<Class<? extends Channel>> getChannels()

However, overriding the getChannelGenerator() function allows channels to be created from a configuration section, specified when overriding getConfigurationSection()

Class<? extends Channel> getChannelGenerator()

The getSupportedPlugin() function is necessary for RoseChat to identify the channel. Typically this would match with the supported plugin name, and this is what users will specify in the channels.yml file.


The first step to creating a channel is by extending the RoseChatChannel class, other classes may be used, such as ConditionalChannel or just Channel, but RoseChatChannel is the most useful and convenient.

These classes have javadoc comments that explain what the functions do. There are several functions that you may take use of, but overriding the getVisibleAnywhereRecipients(RosePlayer sender, World world) function allows you to return a list of players who should receive the message when visible-anywhere is enabled. The getMemberRecipients(RosePlayer sender, World world) function allows you to return a list of players who should receive the message when visible-anywhere is disabled, and players can become members of the channel.

There are various send methods in RoseChatChannel, but these typically do not need to be touched, as they should work as intended.

Registering Channels

Once your channel is created, it should be specified in either the getChannels() or getChannelGenerator() functions in the provider. After this, the channel needs to be registed using the register() function in the provider, like so:

new YourChannelProvider().register();