ess_input_channel - RoseLeBlood/openess GitHub Wiki

OpenESS Input Channel

source file: ess_input_channel.h

class ess_input_channel : public ess_channel

The basic channel type for the output module The input channel read from connected ess_output_channel

public constructor

basic constructor

set ess_channel type to ESS_CHANNEL_INPUT
  • ess_input_channel();

name param [in] human readelble name for the channel

set ess_object name to name
set ess_channel type to ESS_CHANNEL_INPUT
  • ess_input_channel(std::string name);

name param [in] human readelble name for the channel
channel param [in] which channel

set ess_channel name to name
set ess_channel type to ESS_CHANNEL_INPUT

public functions

connect a output channel with this input channel

channel the channel to connect
return ESS_OK on no errors
return !ESS_OK a error

read from the the output channel

block param [out] the pointer to write the data to
offset param [in] the readed offset

return the readed size - error <0
  • virtual unsigned int read(ess_audioblock_t block, unsigned int offset, unsigned int size) ;

is the channel connected
return true when the channel connected
  • bool is_connected();

channel name and other informations to string
return the channel string
  • std::string to_string();

proctected member

the connected output channel
when NULL the channel is not conected