GLRParser Finite State Machines - RopleyIT/GLRParser GitHub Wiki

Finite state machines

An LR(1) parser generator is a very sophisticated tool that produces an extremely flexible input event pattern recogniser. It does however produce a complex state machine that requires a push-down automaton to drive it. For simple state machines this is complete overkill.

Many workflow engines or state machine based controllers just need to have a set of states that they can be in at different times, and a set of rules that define that when in a particular state, if an event of a specified type occurs and an optional guard condition is true, we are going to execute some action in response to the event and then jump to a new state. The ParseLR toolkit is capable of describing these simple finite state machines (FSMs) with a grammar input description, and then of translating the input description into source code that will execute that state machine. Alternatively it can take the input grammar description at run time, and create an executable state machine within the currently running program and begin executing it.

When using ParseLR to create source code for a state machine, the output source code is in C#. When using the ParseLR runtime libraries to create an in-process state machine at runtime, the inline code embedded in the grammar is in C#, but the target language used for other parts of the application can be in any .NET language.

This page and the links from it provide documentation for the ParseLR library and toolkit when they are being used to create simple finite state machines as described above. Alternatively, for details on how to use the toolkit to develop LR(1) or GLR canonical parsers, start here.


The description of how to write a finite state machine specification for consumption by the parser generator spans a number of pages. These are best viewed in order as follows:

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