Resit Functional Cleaning - RooyyDoe/functional-programming GitHub Wiki
At first I needed to clean my .then
chain. So that my code would be more readable when somebody else is going through it. In the old version all my functions where standing in the .then
chain and I had no more time to get them separated before the end of the assignment. Now that I am using ES6 Modules it is way easier for me to structure the code in separate files and be more consistent with this. This also makes my code look a lot cleaner than it did before.
Resit Assignments:
- Cleaning the
chain - Add ES6 modules into my project
- Making the code more consistent (ES6)
- Creating better function names
- Style the visualization like the design
In my old file I made every function inside the .then
chain because I thought it was easier to read back what I did in my code and had no idea how to make it look better. After the assignment the teacher told me that it was better to use ES6 Modules to separate the code into more files. It indeed changed a lot if you compare my old and new .then
chain. The chain is now also way more readable than it was when I had all my functions into it.
The old .then
runQuery(url, ContinentQuery)
.then((rawContinent) => cleanData(rawContinent))
.then((filteringEmptyData) => filterEmptyResults(filteringEmptyData)) // optional
.then((mainData) => => {
return {uri: uri}
.then(async (mainData) => {
let catArray = await getCategories();
return => {
continent.categories = catArray;
return continent;
.then((mainData)=> => {
continent.categories = => {
return {uri: uri};
return continent;
// Calls anonymous async function
.then(async (mainData) => {
// maps over continent of mainData and puts this in a variable
let mainDataPromiseArray = continent => {
// maps over continent.categories and puts this in a variable
let categoriesPromiseArray = categorie => {
// Invokes getCountOfCategory() and put all the results in count.
let count = await getCountOfCategory(continent.uri, categorie.uri);
// Returns two objects into continent.categories
// This will happen when the Promise.all has all the promises and
// the override of continent.categories has happend.
return {
uri: categorie.uri,
count: count
// waits till all the promises are done and then puts them in a variable newCategories
let newCategories = await Promise.all(categoriesPromiseArray);
// Overrides continent.categories with the promises
continent.categories = newCategories;
// returns object
return continent;
// waits till all the promises are done after the ones of categories and then puts them in newContinents
let newContinents = await Promise.all(mainDataPromiseArray);
// This is getting returned and there will be a list of arrays in the continent.array
return newContinents;
// After this I am going to make a object of the array.
.then((mainData) => => {
continent.categories = => {
category.count = countCategoryResults(category.count);
return category;
return continent;
.then((mainData) => => {
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < continent.categories.length; i++) {
sum = continent.categories[i].count + sum;
return {
categories: continent.categories,
uri: continent.uri,
count: sum
.then((mainData) => => {
for (let i = 0; i < continent.categories.length; i++) {
continent.categories[i].percentage = continent.categories[i].count / continent.count;
continent.categories = => {
return {
uri: categories.uri,
count: categories.count,
percentage: categories.percentage
return continent;
.then((mainData) => => {
const newArray = [];
continent.categories = => {
let obj = {
axis: categories.uri,
value: categories.percentage
return newArray;
// .then((mainData)=> console.log(mainData))
.then((cleanData) => {
// console.log('ik wil dit zien', cleanData)
// const data = [cleanData];
const data = cleanData;
console.log('data', data)
const margin = {top: 100, right: 100, bottom: 100, left: 100},
width = Math.min(700, window.innerWidth - 10) - margin.left - margin.right,
height = Math.min(width, window.innerHeight - - margin.bottom - 20);
const color = d3.scale.ordinal()
.range(['#EDC951','#CC333F','#00A0B0', '#002533', '#4D5B23']);
const radarChartOptions = {
w: width,
h: height,
margin: margin,
maxValue: 0.5,
levels: 7,
color: color
//Call function to draw the Radar chart
radarChart('.radarChart', data, radarChartOptions);
New .then
.then((rawContinent) => clean.cleanData(rawContinent))
.then((filteringEmptyData) => clean.filterEmptyResults(filteringEmptyData)) // optional
.then((continentData) => clean.structureContinents(continentData))
.then((allCategoryData) => clean.insertCategories(allCategoryData))
.then((objectCount) => clean.amountOfObjects(objectCount))
.then((objects) => clean.objectCount(objects))
.then((totalObjects) => clean.totalObjects(totalObjects))
.then((percentageOfCount) => clean.calcPercentage(percentageOfCount))
.then((data) => clean.cleanedData(data))
.then((cleanData) => {
// console.log('ik wil dit zien', cleanData)
// const data = [cleanData];
const data = cleanData;
console.log('data', data)
const margin = {top: 100, right: 100, bottom: 100, left: 100},
width = Math.min(700, window.innerWidth - 10) - margin.left - margin.right,
height = Math.min(width, window.innerHeight - - margin.bottom - 20);
const color = d3.scale.ordinal()
.range(['#EDC951','#CC333F','#00A0B0', '#002533', '#4D5B23']);
const radarChartOptions = {
w: width,
h: height,
margin: margin,
maxValue: 0.5,
levels: 7,
color: color
//Call function to draw the Radar chart
radarChart('.radarChart', data, radarChartOptions);
- .then(RawContinent) => Cleans the
data and puts it into anarray[]
- .then(filteringEmptyData) => Removes the continents that have no items.
- .then(ContinentData) => The start of structuring a new
(mainData) - .then(allCategoryData) => Getting all the
and add them to the newobject
- .then(objectCount) => Getting the total
of the items out of every category - .then(objects) => Adding the
count to every category in the newobject
- .then(totalObjects) => Calculating how much items there are in every continent and add them to the new
- .then(percentageOfCount) => Calculating how much percentage each category is of the
- .then(data) => Making the data perfect for
- .then(cleanData) => Sending the data to
A lot of the chain works exactly the same as it did before so you will be able to read this here OLD CHAIN. All the changes that have been made into my functional cleaning will be explained in this page, everything that does not get explained has already been explained in the older pages.
There are different ways you can use ES6 Modules to structure your code. You can make separate files for every new function you make this would be useful when you have a big project and have more then one developer working on the code. I choose to structure my code into four files, one main file(.then
chain), another file for fetching the API calls(getData.js
), a file where I have all the functions(cleanfunction.js
) and the last file for everything related to d3.js
import getData from './modules/getData.js';
import clean from './modules/cleaningFunctions.js';
import radarChart from './modules/radarChart.js';
const ContinentQuery = `
SELECT ?continents WHERE {
<> skos:narrower ?continents .
.then((rawContinent) => clean.cleanData(rawContinent))
.then((filteringEmptyData) => clean.filterEmptyResults(filteringEmptyData)) // optional
.then((continentData) => clean.structureContinents(continentData))
.then((allCategoryData) => clean.insertCategories(allCategoryData))
.then((objectCount) => clean.amountOfObjects(objectCount))
.then((objects) => clean.objectCount(objects))
.then((totalObjects) => clean.totalObjects(totalObjects))
.then((percentageOfCount) => clean.calcPercentage(percentageOfCount))
.then((data) => clean.cleanedData(data))
.then((cleanData) => {
// console.log('ik wil dit zien', cleanData)
// const data = [cleanData];
const data = cleanData;
console.log('data', data)
const margin = {top: 100, right: 100, bottom: 100, left: 100},
width = Math.min(700, window.innerWidth - 10) - margin.left - margin.right,
height = Math.min(width, window.innerHeight - - margin.bottom - 20);
const color = d3.scale.ordinal()
.range(['#EDC951','#CC333F','#00A0B0', '#002533', '#4D5B23']);
const radarChartOptions = {
w: width,
h: height,
margin: margin,
maxValue: 0.5,
levels: 7,
color: color
//Call function to draw the Radar chart
radarChart('.radarChart', data, radarChartOptions);
// .then((test) => console.log("test", test));
const url = '';
const prefix = `PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX edm: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>`
export default async function getData(query){
let response = await fetch(url+'?query='+ encodeURIComponent(prefix + query) +'&format=json');
let json = await response.json();
return json.results.bindings;
import getData from './getData.js';
export default {
function structureContinents(mainData) {
return => { return { uri }; } );
async function insertCategories(mainData) {
let catArray = await getCategories();
return => {
continent.categories = catArray;
return continent;
async function amountOfObjects(mainData) {
// maps over continent of mainData and puts this in a variable
let mainDataPromiseArray = continent => {
// maps over continent.categories and puts this in a variable
let categoriesPromiseArray = categorie => {
// Invokes getCountOfCategory() and put all the results in count.
let count = await getCountOfCategory(continent.uri, categorie.uri);
// Returns two objects into continent.categories
// This will happen when the Promise.all has all the promises and
// the override of continent.categories has happend.
return {
uri: categorie.uri,
count: count
// waits till all the promises are done and then puts them in a variable newCategories
let newCategories = await Promise.all(categoriesPromiseArray);
// Overrides continent.categories with the promises
continent.categories = newCategories;
// returns object
return continent;
// waits till all the promises are done after the ones of categories and then puts them in newContinents
let newContinents = await Promise.all(mainDataPromiseArray);
// This is getting returned and there will be a list of arrays in the continent.array
return newContinents;
// After this I am going to make a object of the array.
function objectCount(mainData) {
return => {
continent.categories = => {
category.count = countCategoryResults(category.count);
return category;
return continent;
function totalObjects(mainData) {
return => {
let count = continent.categories.reduce((count, cur) => count += cur.count ,0);
continent.count = count;
return continent;
function calcPercentage(mainData) {
return => {
continent.categories.forEach((category) => {
category.percentage = category.count / continent.count;
return continent;
function cleanedData(mainData) {
return => {
const newArray = [];
continent.categories = => {
let obj = {
value: categories.percentage
return newArray;
// Re-usable functions
function cleanCategoryData(rawResults) {
return rawResults.reduce((cleanResults, rawResult) => {
cleanResults.push({uri: rawResult.superCategory.value, name: rawResult.categoryName.value})
return cleanResults;
function cleanData(rawResults) {
return rawResults.reduce((cleanResults, rawResult) => {
for(let key in rawResult) {
if (rawResult[key].datatype === '') {
let parsed = parseInt(rawResult[key].value, 10);
} else cleanResults.push(rawResult[key].value);
return cleanResults;
function filterEmptyResults(emptyResults) {
return emptyResults.slice(3,8);
function getCategories() {
return new Promise(async(resolve) => {
const categoryQuery = `
SELECT ?superCategory ?categoryName WHERE {
<> skos:narrower ?superCategory .
?superCategory skos:prefLabel ?categoryName .
// .then((data) => console.log(data))
.then((rawCategoryData) => cleanCategoryData(rawCategoryData))
// .then((cleanCategoryData => combineContinentWithCategory(continentUriArray, cleanCategoryData)))
.then((cleanResults) => resolve(cleanResults));
function getCountOfCategory(continentUri, categoryUri) {
return new Promise(async(resolve) => {
let totalResult = `
SELECT (COUNT(?category) AS ?categoryAmount) WHERE {
<${continentUri}> skos:narrower* ?continent .
?obj dct:spatial ?continent .
<${categoryUri}> skos:narrower* ?category .
?obj edm:isRelatedTo ?category .
?category skos:prefLabel ?categoryName .
} GROUP BY ?categoryName`;
.then((rawCountData) => cleanData(rawCountData))
// .then((countUpData) => countCategoryResults(countUpData))
.then((countResults) => resolve(countResults));
// .then((cleanCountData => combineCountWithCategory(continentUriArray, cleanCategoryData)))
// .then((cleanResults) => resolve(cleanResults));
function countCategoryResults(results) {
return results.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
I needed to be more consistent with my code and try to keep a code standard. In my old code I made two functions that used ES5 javascript
instead of ES6 javascript
When I was working on the structure of my files I also have refactored these functions and made them work again.
In my old function I used a for
loop to get a sum
of all the category item counts of one continent. It would loop through every category and take the count
of this and add them up and put the value into the variable
sum. This would then be returned to the new object
Old code
.then((mainData) => => {
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < continent.categories.length; i++) {
sum = continent.categories[i].count + sum;
return {
categories: continent.categories,
uri: continent.uri,
count: sum
In the new function I am making use of .reduce
that gets all the count values
and adds them up and puts the results into the variable
count and then returns it to the new object
New code
function totalObjects(mainData) {
return => {
let count = continent.categories.reduce((count, cur) => count += cur.count ,0);
continent.count = count;
return continent;
In this function I am doing exactly the same as I did before. I am making a for
loop that goes through every category and then it will calculate the percentage of every categories.count
and divide it by the total.count
of that continent. This value will get returned in the new object
Old code
.then((mainData) => => {
for (let i = 0; i < continent.categories.length; i++) {
continent.categories[i].percentage = continent.categories[i].count / continent.count;
continent.categories = => {
return {
uri: categories.uri,
count: categories.count,
percentage: categories.percentage
return continent;
In the new function I am making use of .forEach
that will go through all the categories and makes a calculation to get the percentage of every category.count
and then returns this value in the new object
New code
function calcPercentage(mainData) {
return => {
continent.categories.forEach((category) => {
category.percentage = category.count / continent.count;
return continent;
At my first version I only had the uri
of the categories available to use in my radarChart
but I also wanted the names so it would look better on the screen. First I made a new sparql query
that would get the uri
of the categories but also the names
Sparql function
function getCategories() {
return new Promise(async(resolve) => {
const categoryQuery = `
SELECT ?superCategory ?categoryName WHERE {
<> skos:narrower ?superCategory .
?superCategory skos:prefLabel ?categoryName .
// .then((data) => console.log(data))
.then((rawCategoryData) => cleanCategoryData(rawCategoryData))
// .then((cleanCategoryData => combineContinentWithCategory(continentUriArray, cleanCategoryData)))
.then((cleanResults) => resolve(cleanResults));
I needed also a new cleaning function that would clean the rawResults and then push the uri
and the names
into the new object
so that the names can be used for the visualization in d3.js
I am using .reduce
to get every category that there is in the rawResults
and then push them into a new array
. this array will then be re-used in a function of the .then
function cleanCategoryData(rawResults) {
return rawResults.reduce((cleanResults, rawResult) => {
cleanResults.push({uri: rawResult.superCategory.value, name: rawResult.categoryName.value})
return cleanResults;