MVP List - RoosterUnchained/winterest GitHub Wiki
MVP List
1. New account creation, login, and guest/demo login
2. A production README (NB: check out the sample production README)
3. Hosting on Heroku
4. Profile
• Adequate styling
• Smooth, bug-free navigation
• Adequate and appropriate seeds to demonstrate the feature
• Secure login feature
• Profile pic and bio customizability
• Interfacing and construction options with books
• Sign up feature
5.Books and Studies
• Adequate styling
• Smooth, bug-free navigation
• Adequate and appropriate seeds to demonstrate the feature
• Study button adds to specifically selected books
• Book generation feature
• Adequate styling
• Smooth, bug-free navigation
• Adequate and appropriate seeds to demonstrate the feature
• Generates data association for readers of a player's book to keep up with new moves to study
7.Discover feed on home page
• Adequate styling
• Smooth, bug-free navigation
• Adequate and appropriate seeds to demonstrate the feature
• Customizes relevant feed for user
• Adequate styling
• Smooth, bug-free navigation
• Adequate and appropriate seeds to demonstrate the feature
• Generates notifications for users to see when someone saves their authored moves or reads their books
9.Secret books
• Adequate styling
• Smooth, bug-free navigation
• Adequate and appropriate seeds to demonstrate the feature
• Secures privacy of books