Setup - Room15Codepath/RoadTrip-LetsGo GitHub Wiki
Follow these instructions to set up android-restricted version of Google Maps application.
If you use osx, you can use this command to get SHA-1 fingerprint when generating access token.
keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
Ensure that you have enabled Android Google Maps V2 API.
- Create 'google_maps_api.xml' and 'secrets.xml' value resource file in res/values folder.
- In 'google_maps_api.xml' file, paste
<string name="google_maps_api_key">YOUR_GMAP_API_KEY</string>
- In 'secrets.xml' file, paste
<string name="fabric_api_key">YOUR_FABRIC_API_KEY</string> <string name="yelp_client_id">YOUR_YELP_CLIENT_ID</string> <string name="yelp_secret_key">YOUR_YELP_SECRET_KEY</string>