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Sprint 1
Set Up
- User can login with Facebook
- User is prompted for permission to access current location
- User can enter origin and destination with autocomplete address
- After origin and destination are selected, user can view a list of types of stops, targeted stops are: (displayed as icon buttons) Restaurant, Cafe, Mall, Gas Station, ATM / Bank
Generate Route
- When user clicks on ‘find stops’ button, address is sent to Geocoding API to get lat and lon values
- Get waypoints from Google Maps API and nearby points of interests from Yelp’s API
- Results should be filtered to type of stop (Restaurant / Cafe / Mall / Gas Station / ATM / Bank)
Viewing Results
- User can toggle between map view and list view (default to map view)
- When map view is clicked, user is shown a map consisting of a route drawn from origin to destination
- User can view points of interests along the route
- When a point is clicked, a popup consisting of name, address, opening hours, rating of the place is displayed
- When list view is clicked, user can view points of interest (with popup info) in a list
Location Details
- When user clicks the pop up / list item, a detail view will show up:
- Detail view shows name, address, rating, description and a map
- When user clicks on the map, it will expand to full screen and display a ‘Get directions’ button
- When the ‘Get directions’ button is clicked, an intent is sent to google maps for automatically entering the start and stop locations in google maps app
User Flow