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Sprint 1

Set Up

  • User can login with Facebook
  • User is prompted for permission to access current location
  • User can enter origin and destination with autocomplete address
  • After origin and destination are selected, user can view a list of types of stops, targeted stops are: (displayed as icon buttons) Restaurant, Cafe, Mall, Gas Station, ATM / Bank

Generate Route

  • When user clicks on ‘find stops’ button, address is sent to Geocoding API to get lat and lon values
  • Get waypoints from Google Maps API and nearby points of interests from Yelp’s API
  • Results should be filtered to type of stop (Restaurant / Cafe / Mall / Gas Station / ATM / Bank)

Viewing Results

  • User can toggle between map view and list view (default to map view)
  • When map view is clicked, user is shown a map consisting of a route drawn from origin to destination
  • User can view points of interests along the route
  • When a point is clicked, a popup consisting of name, address, opening hours, rating of the place is displayed
  • When list view is clicked, user can view points of interest (with popup info) in a list

Location Details

  • When user clicks the pop up / list item, a detail view will show up:
  • Detail view shows name, address, rating, description and a map
  • When user clicks on the map, it will expand to full screen and display a ‘Get directions’ button
  • When the ‘Get directions’ button is clicked, an intent is sent to google maps for automatically entering the start and stop locations in google maps app

User Flow

User Flow

Tentative Schema
