Customize T UI - Romulus10/TUI-ConsoleLauncher GitHub Wiki

You can customize T-UI by editing the settings.txt file, located in the "t-ui" folder in your internal storage. You can also use this shortcut:


which will open the default text editor and show you the file.

##Basic knowledge## settings.txt contains many lines of text. Every line is like this


In order to make a change, you will need to change the propertyValue only. NEVER (never) never touch propertyName, and never append random spaces (earthquake, hurricane and lightnings will hit you if you do not listen to me).

Said that, let's go on.

##settings.txt properties##
|         Property Name         | Value Kind | Description |
| settingsVersion               |integer|do not touch (ever) this one. otherwise your settings.txt file won't be updated|
| deviceColor                   |color|change the color of the device label|
| inputColor                    |color|change the color of the text that you type|
| outputColor                   |color|change the color of the output|
| backgroundColor               |color|change the background of T-UI|
| useSystemFont                 |boolean|true -> use the system font. false -> use T-UI font ("lucida console")|
| fontSize                      |integer|set the font size of the text|
| ramColor                      |color|set the color of the ram label|
| inputFieldBottom              |boolean|set if you want the input field to be at the bottom of the screen or at the top|
| username                      |string|set the name that will appear when the input field is empty|
| showUsername                  |boolean|set if you want to see the username|
| showSubmit                    |boolean|set if you want to have an additional enter button on the right of the input field|
| deviceName                    |string|set your device name (null to use the default one)|
| showRam                       |boolean|set if you want to see the amount of free RAM|
| showDevice                    |boolean|set if you want to see the device label|
| suggestionTextColor           |color|set the color of the text for suggestions|
| transparentSuggestions        |boolean|set if you want to have transparent suggestions (not recommended)|
| multicolorSuggestions         |boolean|set if you want to have different colors for different kinds of suggestions|
| executeOnSuggestionClick      |boolean|set if you want that some special suggestions (like those that are shown when you're trying to launch an app, or calling someone) will be executed as soon as you click on them|
| aliasSuggestionBg             |color|set the color of a kind of suggestion|
| appSuggestionBg               |color|set the color of a kind of suggestion|
| commandSuggestionsBg          |color|set the color of a kind of suggestion|
| songSuggestionBg              |color|set the color of a kind of suggestion|
| contactSuggestionBg           |color|set the color of a kind of suggestion|
| fileSuggestionBg              |color|set the color of a kind of suggestion|
| defaultSuggestionBg           |color|set the default color of your suggestions|
| useSystemWallpaper            |boolean|set if you want to use the system wallpaper (Settings > Display > Wallpaper) or the solid color you set for backgroundColor|
| fullscreen                    |boolean|set if you want to use T-UI in fullscreen mode|
| keepAliveWithNotification     |boolean|(recommended) keep T-UI alive with a sticky notification|
| openKeyboardOnStart           |boolean|(recommended) set if you want to let your virtual keyboard appear when you come back to your home screen|
| fromMediastore                |boolean|(recommended) set if you want to get your songs from the Android System mediastore scan|
| playRandom                    |boolean|set if you want to shuffle your songs|
| songsFolder                   |path|set the path to the folder where you store your songs|
| closeOnDbTap                  |boolean|set if you want to lock the display when you touch twice the screen|
| doubleTapSU                   |boolean|set if you want to attempt to lock your device using SU ("su input keyevent 26"). this fixes the problem with fingerprint wake up|
| showSuggestions               |boolean|set if you want to see suggestions|
| enableEnterInPhysicalKeyboard |boolean|[doesn't work anymore]|
| compareStringForApps          |boolean|set if you want to use CompareString for apps. false by default, it's recommended to use suggestions instead|
| showDonationMessage           |boolean|set if you want to see a tiny message from the developer sometimes|
| defaultSearch                 |parameter|set the default behavior of the command "search". can be: -p (Play Store), -f (Files), -g (Google), -y (YouTube), -u (URL)|