Editor - Romanysoft/MarkdownD GitHub Wiki
At its heart, MarkdownD is a markdown editor. Like many other markdown editors, MarkdownD adopts a common user interface and layout of an explorer on the left, showing all of the navigations, and an editor on the right, showing the content of the current files you have opened.
In addition, there are a number of unique features in the markdownD user interface. This topic describes these features.
"Markdown Tutorial"(http://www.markdowntutorial.com/) "basic-writing-and-formatting-syntax"(https://help.github.com/articles/basic-writing-and-formatting-syntax/)
"See example.md"(https://github.com/Romanysoft/MarkdownD/raw/master/example.md)
Text formatting toolbar
Text Blod
**Text Blod**
Text Strikethrough
eg. Text Strikethrough
~~Text Strikethrough~~
Text Italic
eg. Italic
Block quote
> http://romanysoft.github.io/MarkdownD/
Change Case
Hello Markdownd HELLO MARKDOWND hello markdownd
Hello Markdownd
hello markdownd
# Hello Markdownd
## Hello Markdownd
### Hello Markdownd
#### Hello Markdownd
##### Hello Markdownd
###### Hello Markdownd
- Hello Markdownd
- Hello Markdownd
- Hello Markdownd
- Hello Markdownd
- Hello Markdownd
- Hello Markdownd
1. Hello Markdownd
2. Hello Markdownd