View - RomainValy/ToDoMVC-OpenclassRoom-project GitHub Wiki
global qs, qsa, $on, $parent, $delegate
Extends Template
View that abstracts away the browser's DOM completely. It has two simple entry points:
- bind(eventName, handler) Takes a todo application event and registers the handler
- render(command, parameterObject) Renders the given command with the options
Object herited of Template.defaultTemplate => " - <input class="toggle" type="checkbox" {{checked}}> {{title}}"
number keyboard for validate new TODO -
number keyboard for escape -
Array select all the items with the "todo-list" class -
Array select all the items with the "todo-list" class -
Array select all the items with the "todo-list" class -
Array select all the items with the "todo-count" class -
Array select all the items with the "clear-completed" class -
Array select all the items with the "main" class -
Array select all the items with the "footer" class -
Array select all the items with the "toggle-all" class -
Array select all the items with the "new-todo" class
select a TODO with his id and remove it from the DOM
string id off the element targeted withe this remove event
number number of items how are completed -
boolean apply display style "visible" or "block"
string 'all' | 'active' | 'completed'
Can change a value of a todo in the list
Validate the itm modify with View.prototype._editItem
centralise all the method of the View class
Function parameter for apply the select method parameter
manage the context (bind() methode)
In case it was toggled from an event and not by clicking the checkbox
Remove the cursor from the input when you hit enter just like if it were a real form