Rolify with Rails fixtures - RolifyCommunity/rolify GitHub Wiki

Below are two ways of getting rolify to work with rails fixtures. Explaining Rails fixtures is outside the scope of this wiki. For more information please see rails fixture documentation.

Method 1: The following solution works for Rails 4.2 and assumes roles are attached to a User model. To get rolify working with Rails fixtures:

Create a UsersRole model in models/users_role.rb
# pretty much exclusively created for our fixtures to work
class UsersRole < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user
  belongs_to :role
Create fixtures like so:
# users.yml

# roles.yml - key here is to NOT include "resource" 
  name: :admin

# users_roles.yml
  user: some_user
  role: admin
Add the fixtures to your tests
# in some test file
fixtures :users, :roles, :users_roles

users(:some_user).has_role? :admin # => true

Method 2: If you feel nervous about adding a rails model strictly for supporting fixtures there is an alternative solution. The key here is to not define users in roles.yml fixtures since doing so will prevent attributes from being set correctly.


# roles.yml
  name: :dealership_admin
  resource_id: 1
  resource_type: 'Dealership'

# users.yml
  id: 4
  email: '[email protected]'
  encrypted_password: <%= Devise::Encryptor.digest(User, 'password') %>
  dealership_id: 1
  roles: first_dealership_admin_role

# dealerships.yml
  id: 1
  name: dealership_name