Team Project Set File Format - RolandoMagico/ContextQuickie.TeamProvider GitHub Wiki

ContextQuckie.Teamprovider can be used to export and import projects via the "Team Project Set" wizard in eclipse. The created PSF file can be use to either import the projects manually via the "Team Project Set" wizard or by using it with eclipse Oomph. The created PSF file specifies how the projects are imported to eclipse. If you want to create the PSF files manually, the following chapters give an overview which data must be present.

General File Format

The PSF file is an XML file containing one or more provider elements with project child nodes, e.g.:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<psf version="2.0">
  <provider id="contextquickie.teamprovider.svn.SvnRepositoryProvider">
    <project reference="ExampleProject;"/>
    <project reference="TortoiseSVN_1.11.0;"/>

The text in the reference attribute describes how the project is checked out and imported to eclipse. It contain multiple values separated by a semicolon. The next chapters describe different variants of the attribute text.

Checking out a project into the current eclipse workspace

If you want to check out an existing project into the current workspace, the reference attribute must contain the project name as first element and the checkout URL as second element. The following example will checkout the repository at "" to the folder "ExampleProject" in the workspace. If this folder contains a file named ".project", the project describted by this file will be imported.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<psf version="2.0">
  <provider id="contextquickie.teamprovider.svn.SvnRepositoryProvider">
    <project reference="ExampleProject;"/>

Checking out a project into a specific directory

If you want to check out an existing project to a specific directory, the reference attribute must contain the project name as first element, the checkout URL as second element and the target directory as third element. The following example will checkout the repository at "" to the folder "C:\Projects\ExampleProject". If this folder contains a file named ".project", the project describted by this file will be imported.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<psf version="2.0">
  <provider id="contextquickie.teamprovider.svn.SvnRepositoryProvider">
    <project reference="ExampleProject;;C:\Projects\ExampleProject"/>

Checking out a project into a specific directory with an eclipse project in a subdirectory

If you want to check out an existing project to a specific directory where the target directory isn't the root directory of the project, the reference attribute must contain the project name as first element, the checkout URL as second element, the target directory as third element and the project location as fourth element. The following example will checkout the repository at "" to the folder "C:\Projects\ExampleProject". Afterwards it will search for an eclipse project in the folder "C:\Projects\ExampleProject\Source". If this folder contains a file named ".project", the project describted by this file will be imported.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<psf version="2.0">
  <provider id="contextquickie.teamprovider.svn.SvnRepositoryProvider">
    <project reference="ExampleProject;;C:\Projects\ExampleProject;C:\Projects\ExampleProject\Source"/>
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