Thunder Portal - RohanNagar/thunder GitHub Wiki



  • The homepage should be landing page with information about Thunder, and the option to sign in to the portal in the top right. I envision it looking something like this.
  • The homepage should have a Log In button in the top right.

Log In

  • On clicking Log In, the user can login with email address or Github, or sign up for a new account.
  • The user can sign up using email address or Github if they don't have an account.

Portal Homepage

  • The portal home screen must show a summary of all current Thunder deployments for the user.
  • Option to create a new deployment.
  • Option to view billing page

Creating a Deployment

  • When creating a new deployment, all configuration options are supplied in the form.
  • Also support uploading a YAML file instead of going through the UI.
  • Upon reviewing and clicking create, the portal must issue a command to the Management API to create the deployment.

Viewing a Deployment

  • Clicking on a deployment will give more details about the deployment configuration.
  • Allow editing of configuration.
  • When done editing, the portal must issue a command to the Management API to update the deployment.


  • Billing page must show current cost, previous bills, next bill date. Also show current payment information.
  • Allow for auto-pay.