Changelog 1.1 - RodrigoOt/forgottenserver GitHub Wiki



  • Non-blocking SQL queries
  • The following item attributes can now be customized using setAttribute for items: name, article, pluralname, weight, attack, defense, extradefense, armor, hitchance and shootrange
  • Improved XML error handling to show line number, line and a caret pointing at the character where parsing failed
  • Increased accuracy of scheduled events
  • Optimized dispatcher and scheduler code
  • Moved drop loot code from the engine to data/creaturescripts/scripts/droploot.lua
  • Breaking change: Moved ammoaction and breakchance from items.xml to weapons.xml, ammoaction is now just referred to as action and works for any type of weapon
  • Using integers instead of floating point numbers for item weight and player capacity
  • Using max packet length from MySQL in DBInsert class to know when it is appropriate to execute the query
  • Rewritten skills code to handle 64-bit tries for magic level and skills properly
  • Removed config variable noDamageToSameLookfeet as it can be implemented using onHealthChange and onManaChange
  • Removed stackpos from position tables sent to onUse and onCastSpell for performance reasons as stackpos is rarely used and can be fetched using Tile.getThingIndex when necessary
  • Fixed a rounding bug with the formula for magic level offline training
  • Fixed a bug allowing players to equip two-handed weapons with a shield when using classic equipment slots
  • Fixed a bug where stamina wouldn't be consumed for some players in a party with shared experience enabled
  • Fixed a bug where using magic field runes would give the player protection zone lock regardless of PVP engagement


  • Game protocol 10.76 support
  • Mana drain now counts as damage
  • Weapon action (previously called ammoaction in items.xml, now action in weapons.xml) can now be applied to any weapon

Source code

  • Use of more C++11 features:
    • final/override
    • emplace for map insertions
  • Updated pugixml to version 1.5
  • Removed XPath from pugixml
  • Removed virtual specifier from all functions that aren't being overridden
  • Fixed linking with LuaJIT on Mac OS X

Script interface

  • Breaking change: Creature userdata (creature) is now passed to every event callback instead of creature id (cid)
    • This also applies for all subclasses; Monster, NPC and Player
  • Items passed to Lua event callbacks can now be utilized directly as userdata. You can still access itemid, uid, actionid and type by accessing them as table properties.
  • Functions getSkull() and setSkull() can now be called for any creature (previously only for players).
  • Events
    • Creature
      • onChangeOutfit
      • onAreaCombat
      • onTargetCombat
    • Player
      • onGainSkillTries
  • New functions
    • Game.createContainer(itemId, size[, position])
    • Item.hasAttribute(self, key)
    • Item.getWeight(self)
    • ItemType.getClientId(self)
    • ItemType.getCharges(self)
    • ItemType.getHitChange(self)
    • ItemType.getRequiredLevel(self)
    • ItemType.getShootRange(self)
    • ItemType.getLastLogout(self)
    • Monster.isInSpawnRange(self[, position])
  • Removed function
    • Monster.despawn(self)
      • removed in favor of Monster.isInSpawnRange

Data pack

  • Moved compat.lua and core Lua API functions into data/lib/ (data/lib/compat/ and data/lib/core/) from global.lua
  • Updated scripts to utilize userdata objects more efficiently
  • Removed function="default" from weapons.xml
  • Moved ammoaction and breakchance from items.xml to weapons.xml