how to cartographer - RocketFlash/PlatoRobot GitHub Wiki
Install Google Cartographer in the same workspace {plato_ws} (standard instruction:, but recommend to use our custom that installs protobuf locally)
bash ~/plato_ws/src/plato/installation_scripts/
NOTE: it installs protoc 3.4.1 and you will get error on cd plato_ws && catkin_make: from /usr/include/gazebo-7/gazebo/msgs/..#error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc. It means you have to return protobuf 2.6.1. To do it download release from here, unzip it and do './configure && make && make check && sudo make install' inside.
!!! After installing cartographer you have to use next command to build:
catkin_make_isolated --install --use-ninja -DCATKIN_ENABLE_TESTING=false source install_isolated/setup.bash
Open two terminal windows
a. In the first
bash ~/plato_ws/src/plato/
b. In the second
roslaunch cartographer_nav cartographer_2d.launch
To control the robot using keyboard open new terminal:
python ~/plato_ws/src/plato/plato_navigation/