I2C Gyro API - RobotCasserole1736/RobotCasserole2015 GitHub Wiki


We tried to use the KOP gyro. Unfortunately, although accurate, there was a lot of lag between a change in angle and registering it in the RoboRio. In addition, the gyro could only read up to 250 deg/sec, which was a major limitation. As a result, we decided to use a more expensive gyro, the L3G4200D (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10612). This gyro communicates over I2C, so we needed to develop a new API. Although libraries do exist, a more "homebrewed" approach was taken for learning and to make sure it performed exactly as needed.

Public Interface to Gyro API

This might be the only part of the API you care about. That's ok. Here's how you use the gyro:


The gyro must be declared as an object. Probably right after you start defining the Robot class:

I2CGyro my_gyro;

Then, while initializing, call the constructor to set up the gyro and kick off periodic reading:

my_gyro = new I2CGyro();

Be aware that this constructor will block until the gyro has been fully initialized. This might take a bit, as the initialization requires a couple hundred readings to determine the zero-offset of the gyro. The robot should also not be touched during this time period.

Reading Values

There are two values which can be read from the gyro:


Both of these functions will return 'double'.

Note that neither will actually force an I2C read of the gyro, all that happens in the background. These functions simply access private variables inside the API and return their current values.

What the API has to do

The Gyro API is simple in function, but complex in execution.

The Gyro API is responsible for a few things:

  • Setting up the RoboRio to communicate with the gyro over the digital communications bus, I2C
  • Sending initial settings to the gyro, so it will read angular velocity properly.
  • Periodically reading the current angular velocity from the gyro
  • Filter out noise in the angular velocity reading
  • Using the angular velocity to to calculate the current angle of the robot
  • Providing functions to access the current angular velocity and angle

Background on I2C

For a brief primer on what "I2C" is, check out SparkFun's tutorial: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/i2c

Also, reference the wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%C2%B2C

Cliffs-notes on what I2C Is

  • I2C is a method of communicating between a processor and an auxilary device.
  • This communication is accomplished by changing voltages on a bus of wires.
  • Data is sent in "Serial" fashion (each 1/0 bit is sent one after another).
  • Any I2C bus will have to consist of a Clock (SCL) line and a Data (SDA) line.
  • There will also be power supply lines (Vcc and Gnd. Vcc = 3.3V for our gyro).
  • All devices that are part of the I2C bus are either "Masters" or "Slaves".
  • There is only one Master device. In our case, it is the RoboRio.
  • There can be many Slave devices. In our case, the only Slave is the gyro.
  • To "Control" either the Clock or Data lines is to apply a voltage to them.
  • Only the Master will control the Clock line.
  • The Master and Slaves take turns controlling the Data line.
  • The Master can only communicate with one Slave at a time.
  • To exchange data, the Master sends three things:
    • First, the device's 7-bit "Address"
    • Second, a single bit indicating "Read" or "Write"
    • Third, a memory address pointing to some location in the Slave's memory registers.
  • All slaves sit idle until they hear their own address.
    • At this point, they start listening to the next things on the bus.
  • If the Master desires to Write to the Slave, the Master will put more 8-bit packets onto the data bus.
    • The slave will listen for these packets, and write them into its own memory registers at the specified locations.
  • If the master desires to Read from the Slave, the Master will wait until the slave acknowledges that the registers are ready to produce data.
    • Then, the master controls the Clock line, and the Slave writes data bits onto the Data line.
    • The Master listens for these data bits and stores them.
  • Although not technically required, the Slave device is almost always set up to act like a piece of RAM. The master reads from and writes to the RAM.
  • You must look at the Datasheet of the slave chip in order to figure out what each register address in the slave device represents.
  • The registers will usually represent things like configuration (eg, write "10001000 to enable the device and set its sample rate") or important data (eg, "the current rotational velocity in radians/sec")
  • Our Gyro's datasheet can be found at: http://dlnmh9ip6v2uc.cloudfront.net/datasheets/Sensors/Gyros/3-Axis/CD00265057.pdf

I2C and the RoboRIO

The Gyro API leverages the built-in WIPLib I2C libraries. These libraries are in


They handle all the low level setup on the RoboRio. Once an "i2c" object has been created, the RoboRio hardware port will be configured properly automatically, and the user has nice, convenent read() and write() functions to send and recieve bytes with the gyro.


Gyro Setup Details

Gyro Address Setup

Our Gyro actually can have two different I2C addresses, you switch between them by applying Vcc or Gnd to the "SDO" pin on the gyro breakout board. This is so you could have two gyros on the same I2C line, and be able to talk to the independently. We assume SDO is grounded, which makes our I2C address

private static final int I2C_ADDR = 0b01101000; 

Auto Address Increment

When reading multiple bytes from the gyro, you have the option of causing the pointer into the gyro's memory registers to "auto-increment". This means that after each read, the pointer will be moved to point to the next register. This means that the communication can occur almost twice as fast.

It is only useful when reading consecutive registers in a short period of time. Without auto-increment, you would have to send "mem_addr, read, next mem_addr, read, next mem_addr, read," etc... But with auto-increment, you can instead just send "mem_addr, read, read, read, read, ..." See? You get your reads faster!

In order to cause the gyro to auto-incriment its memory address pointer, you must set the MSB when requesting a memory address. Then subsequent reads will be produced from sequential slots in memory.

private static final int AUTO_INCRIMENT_REG_PTR_MASK = 0x80;

WHOAMI Register

The WHOAMI (who am I?) register contains some magic number that is always the same. This is useful because upon first connecting with the gyro, we can read this register, and compare it to this expected value. If they match, we can be very confident that we are actually talking with the gyro, and not some other device that got hooked up by accident.

private static final byte WHOAMI_EXPECTED = (byte) 0b11010011;

Implementation Details

How to Convert a Gyro Reading to a Meaningful Physical Value

The gyro has only 16 bits to represent the rotational velocity. But you can configure the sensitivity of the gyro to measure up to 200, 500, or 2000 degrees/sec. The gyro attempts to map these ranges to the 16 bits. Remember that a 16 bit number can only represent 2^16 different things, so increasing the deg/sec setting makes you have a coarser granularity per bit.

None of that is really important cuz we NEED the gyro fixed at 2000 deg/s

So don't worry about that first paragraph. yah...

This 0.07 number is just a constant that comes from the sensor datasheet. It tells you how to convert from a sensor reading in raw bits to a meaningful physical value.

private static final double degPerSecPerLSB = 0.07;

Multithreading Design

The API is designed to kick off a separate thread in the background. This thread is like a "separate program" which calls functions on our behalf, completely in the background. The difference is that the thread shares the same memory space with our main program.

We must declare many variables as volatile because it gets touched by multiple threads asynchronously. Volatile will tell the processor that every time it needs to use this variable, it MUST go fetch it from main system memory, and not use a cached value (since another thread may have updated it since the cached value was updated)

Initial Zero-motion-Offset Value Determination

When we start up the robot, the gyro might not actually read zero when not moving. To estimate what this "stationary reading offset" is, we will just read the gyro a poop-ton of times right at startup. We assume since this occurs within a few seconds of turning on the robot and before autonomous or teleop starts, the robot will be still. Since the robot is still, we just average all the readings we take at startup and call that the "stationary reading offset". This constant defines how many readings to take. More will make the zero-offset more accurate but take longer at startup.

Gyro Value Tweaking


Just like the joysticks, the gyro can use a deadzone for improved accuracy while sitting still.

If gyro reading is less than this, assume it's actually zero. This needs to be very small, as even small gyro values will add up to the angle. Making this more than zero will help reduce the effects of noise in the gyro reading, but also technically reduces angle accuracy by a lot if this is too big. Trial and Error (and sweat, blood, and tears) determined that 0.1 seems to work as a good deadzone. If the gyro seems like it's drifting in angle measurement, increase this a bit. If the angle is not correct during rotation, reduce this.

Gyro Max/Min Limits

These are only for debugging purposes.

It's just an arbitrary limit we set before we spit out warnings to the console to warn the developer the angle is no longer accurate, due to the output of the gyro saturating.


When reading values from the "outside world", it is common practice to filter them. This is because all signals from the real world contain noise.

observed_value = data + noise


gyro_reading = angular_velocity + small_random_numbers

Although noise sometimes is useful, it will go unloved in our code. We desire only to work with the desired data. Therefore, we must remove the noise from the observed values we get from the gyroscope.

Sometimes the noise is small enough to ignore. Other times not.

Sometimes the noise is small, but non-zero at all time. Other times, the noise is usually zero, but occasionally gets large and makes single readings very inaccurate.

The former is called "Gaussian" noise, and the latter is called "Shot" noise. A low-pass filter is good for getting rid of Gaussian noise. A low-pass filter has been implemented in the API. A median filter is good for getting rid of Shot noise. A median filter has also been implemented in the API.

The details of how such things work is lots of math. Don't worry too much about them, just know they exist if you need to get rid of noise.

Integration and Other Math Things

Once we have an angular velocity from the gyroscope, we must "Integrate" it over time to calculate the angle.

"Integration" is a fancy schmancy calculus thing. Integration is a fancy schmancy way of saying "summation" Since this is a computer, we only deal with descrete time points. Here's an easy way to visualize an integral: Imagine we have some function of time (say, our gyro angular velocity, changing over time). Here is some "artistic" ascii art of this:

|   (angular velocity in deg/s)
|   ^
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |        -------------
|   |       /              \
|   |      /                \
|   |     /                  \
|100|-----                    \
|   |                          \
|   |                           `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|   |
|   +-----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+------> (time (sec))
|         1       2       3       4       5       6

Notice how the angular velocity starts off at about 100 deg/s, goes up to like 180ish, then back down to 50, more or less.

For reasons that are remarkably uninteresting, unless you freakin love math, the "Integral of gyro angular velocity" over some period of time is equal to the area of the space bounded by the time axis, the curve, and the range of time in question.

For example, given the above curve, the Integral of our gyro angular velocity from 1 second to 2 seconds can be calculated by figuring out the area "shaded in" with the character "%":

|   (angular velocity in deg/s)
|   ^
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |        -------------
|   |       /%%%%%%        \
|   |      /%%%%%%%         \
|   |     /%%%%%%%%          \
|100|-----%%%%%%%%%           \
|   |     %%%%%%%%%            \
|   |     %%%%%%%%%             `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|   |     %%%%%%%%% 
|   +-----+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+------> (time (sec))
|         1       2       3       4       5       6

Judging roughly by the numbers involved, the height of that shaded area is about 180ish, and its width is 1, so the integral is around 180. This is how you calculate integrals.

Because physics, the Integral of Angular Velocity is Angle.

We read angular velocity at regular intervals from the gyroscope. Getting those values is the multithreaded part of this software is supposed to do. Then we must integrate them to figure out the angle.

There is one problem, probably one you won't deal with in your Calc 1 course.

The issue is that when we read the values from the gyro, we only know the angular velocity at discrete, non-continuous points in time. We must assume something about what the angular velocity does IN BETWEEN our readings in order to actually calculate an integral

|   (angular velocity in deg/s)
|   ^
|   |
|   |
|   |
|200|     0 <- Known sample from gyro
|   |     |
|   |     |
|   |     |
|   |     |         <what happens here???>
|100|     |       
|   |     |
|   |     |                                       0 <- Known sample from gyro
|   |     |                                       |
|   +-----+---------------------------------------+------> (time (samples))
|         1                                       2

There are a number of ways to do this.

The easiest thing to do is assume that between our samples, the velocity just goes in a straight line from point to point. We forget for a moment what the line actually looks like, and just assume it's a line. This produces some nice results:

This means that the integral between any two points is just the area of a trapezoid. This area is just

(height_1 + height_2)/2 * base.

(Base = time between samples, height_1 = prev sample, height_2 = current sample)

|   (angular velocity in deg/s)
|   ^
|   |
|   |
|   |
|200|     0 <- Known sample from gyro
|   |     |\
|   |     | \
|   |     |  \  <-assumed linear line between samples
|   |     |   \     
|100|     |    \   
|   |     |int- \
|   |     |egral 0 <- Known sample from gyro
|   |     |here  |
|   +-----+------+------> (time (samples))
|         1      2     

If we do this for every new sample and keep adding up the integrals, we will ideally arrive at the current angle. Note this is a summation. Aka an integrall.

Integral = summation of things. In this case, trapezoids.

However, we can probably do better. If we have THREE points, we can instead assume that a PARABOLA exists between the three samples. As you may or may not know, this is possible because any three points can be used to define a parabola.

|   (angular velocity in deg/s)
|   ^
|   |
|   |
|   |
|200|     0 <- Known samples from gyro
|   |     |\          |
|   |     | |         |         0 <- Known sample from gyro
|   |     |  \        |       / |
|   |     |   \       |      /  |
|100|     |    --     V    --   |  <- Assumed parabola between three samples
|   |     |      \        /     |
|   |     |       ----0---      |      
|   |     | Integral  |   here  |
|   +-----+-----------+---------+------> (time (samples))
|         1           2         3

That is some really confusing ascii art. None the less. The bottom line is that the geometry gets really intense after this to calculate area. Unless you freakin love math, don't bother to do it yourself. Look it up on wikipedia instead!

Turns out some chump named "Simpson" (Homer? maybe?) did the math already for you, and determined that the are under the curve is calculated by a handy formula:

Integral = (time between sample 1 and 3)/6 * (sample_1 + 4*sample_2 + sample_3)

The disadvantage here is that after each integral calculation, we need to wait for two new samples before we can do another integral calculation. This might slow down the reading. However, for our high sample rate, we'll probably be fine. Addionally, Simpson's method assumes that the time between sample_1 and sample_2 is about the same as the time between sample_2 and sample_3. If this is not true, Simpson's method produces lots of error :(

In this case, our integration is still a sum. Except here, it's a sum of small regions where one boundary happens to be a parabola.

You can switch between these two implementations by choosing 1 or 0 for the below variable. 1 (Simpson's method) seems to be more accurate, so I'd keep it there for now unless the reading lags too much.

On how we determine the Time between Samples

To accurately determine the angle, we need to know precisely how much time elapsed from the last time we read the gyro to the current time we read the gyro. We will use the built in java


which returns the time the program has been running in nanoseconds (very accurate! yay!). We will mark the time at the start of each periodic loop, and store the previous start time in this variable. To figure out the time between samples, we just subtract the previous time reading from the current one. This variable will store the old value.