Scripting Audio and Sound - Robosturm/Commander_Wars GitHub Wiki

The Commnader Wars Sound/Audio System is fully accessable in Scripts via the "audio" object.

For example would load adders soundtrack to the :


The fully avaiable interface in javascript can be found in the source folder "coreengine/audiothread.h" under public slots.

The most important functions are:

audio.addMusic("resources/music/cos/adder.mp3", 1000, 10000);

This would add Adders Music and when played start at second 1 and end the file at second 10.


Empties the playlist nothing will be played now.


Starts a new track randomly selected from the playlist

audio.playSound("trap.wav", 1, "resources/sounds/");

Plays a background sound in this case "trap.wav" in the folder "resources/sounds/" and repeats it 1 time.

Note At the end of a turn the playlist is cleared and filled with a new playlist of the co's of the current player. You can overwrite this behaviour in your gamescript if needed.