Commander Wars Battleanimation System - Robosturm/Commander_Wars GitHub Wiki

Battleanimation Sequence

Battleanimations will be executed in the following order:

  1. move in Animation (can be skipped) default for all units at the moment
    • callback: loadMoveInAnimation : function(sprite, unit, defender, weapon)
    • enable: hasMoveInAnimation return true if the unit can move in before fire
    • duration: getMoveInDurationMS duration of the move in animation in ms
  2. standing Animation
    • callback: loadStandingAnimation: function(sprite, unit, defender, weapon)
    • enable: always on
    • duration: none
  3. Attacker Fire Animation
    • callback: loadFireAnimation: function(sprite, unit, defender, weapon)
    • enable: always on
    • duration: getFireDurationMS duration of the fire animation in ms
  4. load Attacker standing fired Animation
    • callback: loadStandingFiredAnimation: function(sprite, unit, defender, weapon)
    • enable: always on
    • duration: none
  5. Attacker Impact Animation -> shows the impact on the enemy
    • callback: loadImpactAnimation: function(sprite, unit, defender, weapon)
    • enable: always on
    • duration: getImpactDurationMSduration of the fire animation in ms
  6. Defender Fire Animation
    • callback: loadFireAnimation: function(sprite, unit, defender, weapon)
    • enable: always on
    • duration: getFireDurationMS duration of the fire animation in ms
  7. load Defender standing fired Animation
    • callback: loadStandingFiredAnimation: function(sprite, unit, defender, weapon)
    • enable: always on
    • duration: none
  8. Defender Impact Animation
    • callback: loadImpactAnimation: function(sprite, unit, defender, weapon)
    • enable: always on
    • duration: getImpactDurationMSduration of the fire animation in ms
  9. wait
    • callback: loadStandingFiredAnimation: function(sprite, unit, defender, weapon)
    • enable: always on
    • duration: none
  10. Battleanimation end

Other callbacks:

  1. getPositionOffset : function(sprite, unit, terrain, unitIdx)
    • Called for every loaded sprite should return terrain specific offests for certain unit models
  2. getMaxUnitCount : function()
    • returns the maximum amount of unit models in AW mosttimes this is 5 or 1

Functions provided to load sprites

The "sprite" object of the callbacks provides the following functions for loading some sprites (images). For model based sprites:

 * @brief loadSprite loads a standing animated sprite for every shown model
 * @param spriteID the sprite resource which should be loaded
 * @param addPlayerColor apply the player color to this sprite or not
 * @param maxUnitCount maximum unit count. Needed to create the amount of models of this sprite based on the units hp
 * @param offset offset from the original model position
 * @param loop the amount of loops played for an animated sprite
 * @param scale scale of the sprite 1.0 -> no scaling
 * @param priority priority order in which this sprite will be shown
 * @param showDelay delay before showing this sprite
 * @param invertFlipX if true the flipping of the sprite is inverted needed for impacts of rockets etc.
 * @param deleteAfter deletes the sprite after finished movement or animation
void loadSprite(QString spriteID, bool addPlayerColor, qint32 maxUnitCount, QPoint offset,
                qint32 loop = 1, float scale = 1.0f, short priority = 0, qint32 showDelay = 0,
                bool invertFlipX = false, bool deleteAfter = false);

For moving model based sprites:

 * @brief loadMovingSprite loads a moving sprite for every shown model
 * @param spriteID the sprite resource which should be loaded
 * @param addPlayerColor apply the player color to this sprite or not
 * @param maxUnitCount maximum unit count. Needed to create the amount of models of this sprite based on the units hp
 * @param offset offset from the original model position
 * @param movement movement of the animation as point
 * @param moveTime time to reach the target
 * @param deleteAfter deletes the sprite after finished movement or animation
 * @param loop the amount of loops played for an animated sprite
 * @param scale scale of the sprite 1.0 -> no scaling
 * @param priority priority order in which this sprite will be shown
 * @param showDelay delay before showing this sprite
 * @param invertFlipX if true the flipping of the sprite is inverted needed for impacts of rockets etc.
void loadMovingSprite(QString spriteID, bool addPlayerColor, qint32 maxUnitCount, QPoint offset,
                QPoint movement, qint32 moveTime, bool deleteAfter = false,
                qint32 loop = 1, float scale = 1.0f, short priority = 0, qint32 showDelay = 0,
                bool invertFlipX = false);

For a custom single placed sprites:

 * @brief loadSingleMovingSprite loads a single sprite for a unit
 * @param spriteID the sprite resource which should be loaded
 * @param addPlayerColor apply the player color to this sprite or not
 * @param maxUnitCount maximum unit count. Needed to create the amount of models of this sprite based on the units hp
 * @param offset offset from the original model position
 * @param movement movement of the animation as point
 * @param moveTime time to reach the target
 * @param deleteAfter deletes the sprite after finished movement or animation
 * @param loop the amount of loops played for an animated sprite
 * @param scale scale of the sprite 1.0 -> no scaling
 * @param priority priority order in which this sprite will be shown
 * @param showDelay delay before showing this sprite
 * @param invertFlipX if true the flipping of the sprite is inverted needed for impacts of rockets etc.
void loadSingleMovingSprite(QString spriteID, bool addPlayerColor, QPoint offset,
                QPoint movement, qint32 moveTime, bool deleteAfter = false,
                qint32 loop = 1, float scale = 1.0f, short priority = 0, qint32 showDelay = 0,
                bool invertFlipX = false);

Function provided to play background sound

The "sprite" object of the callbacks provides the following functions for loading some sounds during the play of the animation.

 * @brief loadSound
 * @param file sound file
 * @param loops amount of loops for this file -2 for while this animation is shown
 * @param folder resource folder of the sound
 * @param delay before this sound is played after this function was called
void loadSound(QString file, qint32 loops, QString folder = "resources/sounds/", qint32 delay = 0);

Battleanimation Coordinate System and how to find the required positions for sprites.

The main thing to remember is that the coordinates point (0/0) is in the lower left corner of the battleanimation screen. This is contrary to tools like paint, gimp etc. where the coordinates point (0/0) is in the upper left corner.

How to find the correct position of an fire animation like the mg-fire.

  1. Determine the general offset position of one model e.g. ModelPos(-20, 5)
  2. Determine the position of the machine gun in the model using a drawing tool from the lower left corner. e.g. MgPos(40, 20)
  3. Determine the position of the mg fire position using a drawing tool from the lower left corner e.g. MgFirePos(0, 5)
  4. Calculate the X-Coordinate which is ModelPos.X + MgPos.X - MgFirePos.X
  5. Calculate the Y-Coordinate which is ModelPos.Y + MgPos.Y - MgFirepos.Y