Beta Release 11 - Robosturm/Commander_Wars GitHub Wiki

Out now get it here: Commander Wars Beta 11


  • changed when stealthed units are attackable. -> removed indirects from attack list and added a callback so the behaviour can be modded/changed.
  • added an option to disable co specific units in the rule selection
  • increased ai speed for larger maps. Improved what and how the AI builds units
  • improved moving and zooming the map during ai turns.
  • Game Rule Vision block during fog of war you can now enable vision block so mountains forest etc. Reduce how far a unit can see. Since you can't see over a mountain can you?
  • in case of crashes or other weird events the log output is streamed into the file console.log
  • Random Map stuff
    • random maps generation added option to select the starting base size.
    • Added option to select different random map generators.
    • Added option to add custom random map generators.
    • Added option to select how much stuff a player owns at the start of a random map
  • added more maps from Advance Wars Darc Conflict -> Thx to Everglass for his work here
  • added script variable support for ingame script and campaign editor


  • highly improved drop down menus now overlaying panels instead of partly hiding. Auto selecting if the drop down list is shown on top or bottom
  • added an leave question box to the map editor, script editor and campaign editor to prevent loosing data by missclicks
  • added an 1min autosave function to the map editor -> maps gets save under autosave every minute
  • Unit status icons got an update. Thx Fairy for all the work here.
  • tooltips are disabled while typing in a message box
  • replaced all fonts with a more fitting one and removed upscaling of fonts
  • updated co-selection
  • updated several ui-things enjoy them.


  • stealth attacking mechanics got moddable. Default is direct units can attack ground(infantry, hovercraft, ground) units and air units air units and ships ships.
  • Added option to get the type of an AI/Human controlling a player. Not recommended to use unless you tested it works as intended on multiplayer games.
  • Ranking system got moddable check out the file UNITRANKINGSYSTEM.js in the general scripts folder.
  • moving animations can now be a single row or 4 rows to work or not existing (hopefully trhe not existing part works. :D)
  • added min range modifiers for units

Bug Fixes

  • AI usage of unloaded units that can move this turn
  • crash when having a map with War of Shroud as default fog rule.
  • fixed visual glitches when rotating or flipping a map in the editor. removed units and parts of buildings remain visible eventhough they don't exist
  • fixed visual glitches happening with replaceTerrain events
  • fixed visual glitch with removing dialog lines in the script editor
  • fixed some issues when playing a map with co's not available in the current setup
  • fixed some visual glitches happening when scrolling in a panel
  • fixed a bug appearing with Adam, Conrad, Graves, Mary, Minamotot, Nana, Roboandy, Sabaki, Sanjuro, Sasha, Smitan and Sophie and their Powers or Superpowers
  • fixed information key not working probably in multiplayer games
  • fixed some handling with switching maps made with different mods
  • fixed a bug in battleanimation impact duration
  • fixed a bug with information revealing hidden information to the player. -> Giving hints about hidden/stealthed units