User Guide of RobApp - RoboboUPMC2016/RobDoc GitHub Wiki

RobApp, application user guide


1. Introduction

2. Launch a behavior

A. Connection to the robot

B. Behavior Execution

3. Download a behavior

4. Import a behavior

5. Remove a behavior

6. Share on RobHub

1. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to describe the use of the application. Through this document we will learn how to use RobApp. The first objective of RobApp is to execute some behaviors on a smartphone in order to drive a robot using the Bluetooth communication. You will manage your behaviors, launch, stop and remove them. You will also be able to download behaviors from the social network RobHub. For more comfort you will be able to import behaviors without using RobHub. The application provides a way to reach RobHub, and to share and consult content about behaviors. In next parts we will explain how users can do all of this. If you want to completly use the applictation, your smartphone need to allow the Bluetooth and the Internet connection. You can consult the manuel of developper for RobApp here.

2. Launch a behavior

Users can launch a behavior quite simply there are several step to do it. You need to connect the application to the robot and then select your behavior.

A. Connection to the robot

Before launching the application, you have to connect your smartphone to the robot using Android parameters. After that you can launch the application.

Click on the button in the upper left corner to display the application menu.

Click on the menu button Bluetooth and a dialog box will be displayed.

Select your Bluetooth device.

Wait a few seconds and the application will be connected to your device.

B. Behavior Execution

When you are connected to your robot click on the upper left corner to display the menu.

Click on the button behaviors and a dialog box to select the behavior will be shown.

Select your behavior and the screen for launching the behavior will be displayed.

Click on the button start. A dialog box is displayed : click on the button start to start the behavior right now, or let the counter reach 0.

Congratulations, you have started the behavior.
You can stop the behavior by clicking on the same button.

3. Download a behavior

The next feature is the downloading of behaviors. The application will display all available behaviors on RobHub. After you will choose a behavior, which is interesting and download it.

Click on the upper left corner in order to display the menu.

Click on the button "download" and the list of all available behaviors will be displayed.

Just perform a long click on the behavior of your choice.

When the message "behavior downloaded" is displayed, it's finish.

There is a search bar up on the screen : you can use it in order to filter the behaviors list.

Congratulations, you have downloaded a behavior.

4. Import a behavior

You can import a behavior, which is on the smartphone. The behavior need to be compiled. You can download a behavior for a computer and put in the smarphone to import it manually.

Click on the upper left corner to display the menu.

Click on the button "import" and file explorer will be displayed.

Click on a folder to open it and perform a long click on a file to download it.

5. Remove a behavior

You can manage your downloaded and imported behaviors. You can delete some behavior if you want it.

Click on the upper left corner to display the menu.

Click on the button "delete" and a dialog box will be shown to choose a behavior.

Click on the behavior that you want to delete.

After that the behavior will be deleted

6. Share on RobHub

The application can allow to reach RobApp. You can use the QR Code to be redirected to the social network. You will reach the page with the browser.

Click on the upper left corner to display the menu.

Click on the button share and the QR Code will be displayed.

If you scan the QRCode you will be redirected on RobHub. You will reach the page of the selected behavior.

It was the last part of this guide. You know how to use the application, Congratulations. We hope you will enjoy your experience.
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