Install UUV Simulator Package - Robo-Tech-Cv/ROS_Install_Tutorial GitHub Wiki
The UUV Simulator is a package containing the implementation of Gazebo plugins and ROS nodes necessary for the simulation of unmanned underwater vehicles, such as ROVs (remotely operated vehicles) and AUVs (autonomous underwater vehicles).
Install the Package
sudo apt install ros-melodic-uuv-simulator
sudo apt install ros-melodic-web-video-server
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-rosbridge-server
Change some things
- run these commands
sudo ./
Test if every this is working
run this commands every command in new terminal window in this order
roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch
roslaunch uuv_descriptions upload_rexrov.launch mode:=default x:=0 y:=0 z:=-20 namespace:=rexrov
roslaunch uuv_control_cascaded_pid key_board_velocity.launch uuv_name:=rexrov model_name:=rexrov
now if you but the cursor in the same terminal that you ran the command number 3 in you should be able to control the rov that in the gazebo window