SYS255 Lab 4 - Robertsegee/TechJournals GitHub Wiki

9/22/20 Lab 4 DHCP: In this lab we worked with DHCP and DHCP services on the Linux virtual machine. DHCP helps with configuring IP addresses when connecting to a network. One part of this lab that I had trouble with was getting my DHCP service file to successfully start. The reason that the file was not starting was because I had input the code wrong in the vim text editor for the file. I accidentally missed a semicolon at the final line of the code and I accidentally put .local after the host name which was unneeded. After fixing this I was successfully able to run the file. Another part where I ran into trouble would be adjusting the lease time. Initially I didn't know what to do and was stuck but I solved this issue by editing the lease time in the pfsense console. I reached the console by inputting my default gateway in the browser search bar.

UDP is in the transport layer and is a communication protocol that is used for establishing low-latency and loss-tolerating connections between applications and the internet. This protocol uses the ports 68 for source and 67 for destination.

IPV4 otherwise known as Internet Protocol Version 4 is a network layer protocol that serves as an address for devices to send and receive from. This is primarily used in ARP broadcasts when the devices have not communicated previously.

MAC address is in the data link layer acts as an unique identifier for a device assigned to a network controller. This is used in Ethernet, Wifi, and Bluetooth. On certain OS and programs, MAC address is able to be changed which opens up the possibility of MAC spoofing where packets meant for devices beyond the network will be sent to the hacker instead.