Assignment 2.2 - Robertsegee/SEC335 GitHub Wiki
In this assignment, we used the service known as nmap to give us information on a system, depending on what flags were used in conjunction with nmap the results would change giving us different information. The basic command that would be used would be sudo nmap followed by the ip of what was being scanned. One flag that can be used is the -p which the command would look like sudo nmap "ip" -p "port". This flag would allow us to scan a specific port that we specify in the command, we would be able to see if the port was open and running. The next flag that was used is -sV which in the command looked like sudo nmap -sV "ip" -p "port". This flag is used for service and version detection, running it against a specified port would give us information about the service running on the port. Similairly another flag -A can be used instead of -sV and it will give us more information about the system or port that it is scanned against. NMAP is a useful tool that can be used to scan ports, ips, and systems for valuable information which could be used for penetration testing or digital forensics.