Examples - RobertoPrevato/rolog GitHub Wiki

Defining a LogTarget

A log target must implement a single method async def log(self, record: LogRecord):, responsible of delivering to a desired destination a log record. In this example, it's shown the definition of the test target used in unit tests inside rolog source code:

from rolog import LogTarget

class InMemoryTarget(LogTarget):

    def __init__(self):
        self.records = []

    async def log(self, record):

Defining a FlushLogTarget

A flush log target is a kind of LogTarget, with methods to handle logging of group of records, with automatic retries and progressive delays in case of failure. For example, this class should be used when log records need to be sent to an external web api (such as Azure Application Insights or DataDog), or to a database of choice. In such cases, it wouldn't make sense to make a shot for every single log record.

from typing import List
from rolog import FlushLogTarget, LogRecord

class SomeLogApiFlushLogTarget(FlushLogTarget):

    def __init__(self, http_client):
        self.http_client = http_client

    async def log_records(self, records: List[LogRecord]):
        # NB: implement here your own logic to make web requests to send log records
        # to a web api, such as Azure Application Insights 
        # (see for example https://pypi.org/project/asynapplicationinsights/)

The behavior of a FlushLogTarget can be controlled using the constructor parameters described in the table below.

Parameter Type Description
max_size int, default 500 The number of log records to store in memory, before flushing and calling log_records method.
max_retries int, default 3 The number of max retries, when a call to log_records fails.
retry_delay float, default 0.6 The number of seconds before a retry, when an attempt to send records to desired destination fails.
progressive_delay bool, default True Whether to increase the retry_delay, multiplying it by the attempt number.
fallback_target LogTarget, default None A fallback target to use when calls to log_records fails more than max_retries times.

Registering multiple targets

This example shows how to register multiple targets in a LoggerFactory, with different minimum log level.

import pytest
from rolog import LogLevel, LoggerFactory, LogRecord
from rolog.targets import BuiltInLoggingTarget, DynamicBuiltInLoggingTarget
from rolog.tests import InMemoryTarget

async def test_logger_factory_minimum_level():
    factory = LoggerFactory()
    test_target_1 = InMemoryTarget()
    test_target_2 = InMemoryTarget()

        .add_target(test_target_1, LogLevel.INFORMATION) \
        .add_target(test_target_2, LogLevel.ERROR)

    logger = factory.get_logger(__name__)
    assert logger is not None
    await logger.info('Hello, World')

    assert 'Hello, World' == test_target_1.records[0].message
    assert not test_target_2.records

    await logger.error('Oh, no!')

    assert 'Oh, no!' == test_target_1.records[1].message
    assert 'Oh, no!' == test_target_2.records[0].message

Including extra arguments in log records

async def test_records_support_extra_arguments():
    factory = LoggerFactory()
    test_target = InMemoryTarget()
    logger = factory.get_logger(__name__)

    assert logger is not None

    await logger.info('Hello, World', 'One', 'Two', 'Three')

    record = test_target.records[0]  # type: LogRecord
    assert ('One', 'Two', 'Three') == record.args

Including extra data in log records

async def test_records_support_extra_data():
    factory = LoggerFactory()
    test_target = InMemoryTarget()
    logger = factory.get_logger(__name__)

    assert logger is not None

    await logger.info('Hello, World', id=2016, name='Tyberiusz')

    record = test_target.records[0]  # type: LogRecord
    assert {
        'id': 2016,
        'name': 'Tyberiusz'
    } == record.data