Production README - RobertVogue/Passport GitHub Wiki

Brief explanation of what the app is and does

Passports Global is a web application where users can go to keep track of all of their global travels.

Technologies used

  • JavaScript
  • Pug
  • CSS
  • Heroku

Link to live site

Link to Wiki docs

Discussion of two features that show off the team's technical abilities

  1. The stamp creation feature
  2. Writing complex queries

Discussion of both challenges faced and the way the team solved them

Thankfully we faced very few challenges in our group dynamics. We faced the standard code bugs which we worked together to solve. We had pages break without our understanding why, but we were able to fix or rebuild where necessary. We were able to successfully create complex queries and link them to complex routes. Each challenge we faced, we approached as a group and worked together to solve.

Code snippets to highlight the best code

  • Routes logic to get top 3 countries that people want to visit
router.get('/', csrfProtection, asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {
  const wantToVisit = await topWantToVisit();
  const visited = await topVisited();
  const nearby = await topNearBy();
  res.render('index', { csrfToken: req.csrfToken(), wantToVisit, visited, nearby });

const topNearBy = async () => {
  const topCountries = await Stamp.findAll({
    where: { rating: 5 },
    include: [{
      model: Passport,
      where: { passport_status: "Near By" },
      model: Country
  const countryObj = {};

  const countryNames = => {

  countryNames.forEach(country => {
    if (countryObj[country]) {
    } else {
      countryObj[country] = 1;

  let countriesArr = Object.entries(countryObj).sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]).map(el => el[0])
  return countriesArr.splice(0, 10);