Game Elements - RobertFont/AlphaProject GitHub Wiki
User Interface
Title Screen
- Reference
- Idea
- MockUps
Options Screen
Gameplay Screen
- Reference
- MockUps
- Alpha Mockups
Resources Bar
This bar display the current resources all time, while you are playing.
These are the main resources:
- Gold: Total current gold.
- Food: Total current food
- Wood: Total current wood.
- Population: current workes and max workers.
- Happiness: Current happiness of your population.
High priority
- Roof
- Base (mesh principal)
- Wood pieces
- Doors
- Chimney
- Boxes
- Windows
- Rocks
- Flags
- Building ornaments
Medium priority
- Wagon
- Railway
- Barrels
- Stairs
- Balcony
- Wall
- Mailbox
Low priority
- Wheels
- Table
- Sign (Building icon)
- Forge
- Chest
- References to other games
- Trees
- Mountains
- Rocks
- Mushrooms
- Goldmines
- Bridges
Core Buildings
- Town Hall: Core of the settlement. Allows building. If destroyed, happiness reduced drastically.
- House: Increases maximum population and gives 4 peasants.
- Lumber Mill: Produces wood. Must be placed near a forest to produce.
- Gold Mine: Produces gold. Must be placed on a mine.
- Warehouse: Stores resources.
- Farm: Produces food.
- Castle: Upgrade from the Town hall. Wins the game.
- Kings Halls: Required to upgrade the town hall into a castle.
Advanced Buildings
- Barracks: Helps resolve: Thieves, Gypsys, Barbarians, Vampires(1/2), Werewolves(1/2).
- Volunteer Center: Helps to Resolve: Lost kid, Cat stuck in tree, Wanderers.
- Hunting Camp: Produces food. Helps to Resolve: Beavers, Magpies, Wolves.
- Fireman Station: Helps to resolve: Fires.
- Church: Increase happiness. Helps to resolve: Witches burned, werewolves, Vampires(1/2), Werewolves(1/2).
- Herborist: Helps to resolve: Sickness, Parasites.
- Stables: Helps resolve: Thieves, Gypsys, Barbarians, Vampires(1/2), Werewolves(1/2).
- Archery Range: Helps resolve: Thieves, Gypsys, Barbarians, Vampires(1/2), Werewolves(1/2).
- Watch Tower: Reduce impact of: Barbarians.
- Witch Doctor House: Helps to resolve: Illness plague.
High Advanced Buildings
- Circus: Increases happiness. Increasis probability of Thieves.
- Cathedral: Increases happiness.
- Brothel: Increases happiness. Produces gold. Creates probability of parasites.
- Cementery: Increases happiness. Increases probability of Ghosts.
- Market: Increases gold production. Creates probability of scammers.
- Workshop: Reduces building costs.
- Alchemy Shop: Helps to resolve: Sickness, Parasites.
- Blacksmith: Increases effect of barracks, stables and archery range.
Events and Effects
- Thieves: Happiness reduced. Gold production reduced.
- Barbarians: Population death over time. Production reduced. Increased probability of Fires.
- Werewolves: Happiness reduced.
- Vampires: Happiness reduced.
- Ghosts: Happiness reduced.
- Witches burned: Happiness increases. A peasant dies.
- Illness plague: Population death over time. Happiness reduced.
- Fires: Building lost if not extiguished.
- Sickness: Happiness reduced. Production reduced.
- Lost kid: Happiness reduced.
- Cat stuck in a tree: Happiness reduced.
- Doomsayer: Happiness reduced.
- Wanderers: Happiness reduced. Increased probability of sickness.
- Gypsys: Happiness increased. Total gold reduced over time.
- Bad food: Happiness reduced. Increases sickness probability.
- Famous Bard: Happiness increased.
- Beavers plague: Wood production reduced.
- Magpies plague: Gold production reduced.
- Wolves plague: Food production reduced.
- Parasites: Happiness and Production reduced.
- Drought: Food production reduced.
- Rain: Food production increased. Eliminates active Fires.
- Scammers: You lose X resources.
- Bugs Plague: Affected farms producton is stopped.