MVP List - RizzaCarla/Satisfy GitHub Wiki

MVP List

Spotify is a digital music subscription service. It has an enormous library of songs available to its subscribers. A user can search for their favorite artist, a specific album, a song, or look for a recommendation based on their taste. They can like songs/albums or follow artists so they can access them at a later time. Most importantly, you can listen to any song you like anywhere on the website and in different devices.

1. Hosting on Heroku (12/07/20)

2. New Account Creation, Login, Guest/Demo Login (12/08/20 | 2 Days)

  • Users can sign up, sign in, log out
  • Users can use a demo login to try the site
  • Users can't use certain features without logging in (ex. listening to a song, adding a song to a playlist, etc.)

3. Create Spotify Specific Features:

Feature 1: User can choose a song and listen to it using the music player. (12/10/20 | 2 Days)

  • There should be a/an:
    • play/pause button,
    • next/back button,
    • bar & time that indicates the song length.
    • volume bar that toggles or changes
    • repeat song button
    • shuffle button

Feature 2: A user has access to an artist's songs, an album's songs, and a single. (12/14/20 | 1 Day)

  • If a user clicks an artist, it lists:
    • the artist name,
    • the artist's most popular songs as a playlist, and (Hardcode initially)
    • the artist's albums.
  • If a user clicks on an album, it lists:
    • the album name,
    • the artist, number of songs, total length of the album,
    • a play button, and
    • the songs that are part of the album as a playlist.
  • If a user clicks on a song, it lists:
    • the song name,
    • the artist, number of songs, total length of the song,
    • a play button, and
    • the song.

Feature 3: A user can like songs/albums and follow artists. They should have access to all their liked songs, liked albums, and followed artists. (12/15/20 | 2 Day)

  • After a user clicks on liked songs, the user should see all of the songs previously added.
    • The order of the songs will be from the oldest to the most recent song added.
    • The playlist should include: ids, title, album, date added, and the length of the song.
  • After a user clicks on liked albums/liked artists, the user should see all of the albums/artists previously added.
    • The order will be from the oldest to the most recent song added.

Feature 4: A user can search for a song/album/artist. (12/17/20 | 1 Day)

  • Once the user starts typing, search results should instantly populate in ascending order.
  • The populated artists/albums need to be linked correctly.
  • The populated songs should play on the music player, once clicked.

4. Production README (12/18/20 | 0.5 Day)