Step 9 - Riverside-Software/pugchallenge2019 GitHub Wiki

First Feature Branch

  • Create a new feature branch (i.e. branch dedicated to a new feature) with git checkout -b feature1


  • Right-click on wAbout.w in File Explorer, and select "Open in the AppBuilder"


  • Click on the Run button, and see what happens


  • Open the code editor, enter the initializeObject, and modify the line imgPlayer:LOAD-IMAGE(getImagePath('player.gif')). in order to point to player2.gif.


  • Click on the Run button again, and verify that the character has red pants.

  • Back in the Cmder window, commit the file in the local repository with git commit wAbout.w -m "Red pants":


  • Then promote the changes in the remote repository with git push origin feature1:


  • Again, as soon as you push changes to the remote repository, the branch is detected in Jenkins, and automatically built:


  • Download the artifact, and verify that the About box is updated

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