Step 9 - Riverside-Software/pugchallenge2019 GitHub Wiki
First Feature Branch
- Create a new feature branch (i.e. branch dedicated to a new feature) with
git checkout -b feature1
- Right-click on wAbout.w in File Explorer, and select "Open in the AppBuilder"
- Click on the Run button, and see what happens
- Open the code editor, enter the initializeObject, and modify the line
in order to point toplayer2.gif
Click on the Run button again, and verify that the character has red pants.
Back in the Cmder window, commit the file in the local repository with
git commit wAbout.w -m "Red pants"
- Then promote the changes in the remote repository with
git push origin feature1
- Again, as soon as you push changes to the remote repository, the branch is detected in Jenkins, and automatically built:
- Download the artifact, and verify that the About box is updated
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