Step 2 - Riverside-Software/pugchallenge2019 GitHub Wiki

Fork and clone repository


  • This page contains the "central" Git repository ; you will first work on completely separated version of the Git repository, which is your own copy. This is called a "fork". On the GitHub project page, click on the "Fork" button: img/Step02Img01.png

  • If your GitHub account is associated to one (or multiple) organizations, then you may see this popup window ; fork to your account img/Step02Img02.png

  • Once repository is forked, you'll be redirected to your own copy: img/Step02Img03.png img/Step02Img04.png

  • You will promote your changes to this repository ; as this is a fork, the "parent" won't see your changes, so you can commit whatever you want ! And as the fork has just been created, it is exactly in the same state as the parent repository (This branch is even with Riverside-Software:develop.)

  • In order to promote changes to the repository, we'll first have to create a local copy in the Amazon Windows machine. In the Git terminology, this operation is called a clone, because you will end up with an exact copy of the entire repository (including all history). All Git operations can be done from various graphical tools, but ultimately Git is a command-line tool.


  • Back in the cmder window, go to the C:\Git directory, and clone the your repository: git clone


  • The local repository is now available in C:\Git\pugchallenge2019


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