Releasing The Gem - RiverGlide/CukeSalad GitHub Wiki

We host the CukeSalad gem on Here's the basic process to make that happen:

  1. Write tests for your changes. Make them pass. Refactor and make your code a joy to read.
  2. Run all the tests with rake. If they pass:
  3. Build the gem locally using rake build
  4. Install the gem on your local system using rake install...
  5. ... or gem install /path/to/cukesalad/pkg/cukesalad.gem
  6. Test out the gem locally. If all looks good:
  7. Bump the version number in lib/cukesalad/version.rb
  8. Update the description field in the cukesalad.gemspec file. Tell people what's new in this version.
  9. Generate the RDoc documentation using rake rdoc (do we need to do this manually?)
  10. Release the gem to using rake release (you'll need ~/.gem/credentials in order to push as RiverGlide to