Test Cases List - RitoruX/coffeemaker GitHub Wiki

ID Name Descriptions Requirement ID
1 testAddRecipe() Test adding a new recipe with valid value. UC2
2 testAddMoreThanThreeRecipes() Test adding more than three recipes. UC2
3 testAddRecipeWithDuplicateName() Test adding a new recipe with duplicated name. UC2
4 testDeleteRecipe() Test deleting a recipe. UC3
5 testDeleteRecipeNotExist() Test deleting a recipe that doesn't exist. UC3
6 testEditValidRecipe() Test editing a valid recipe. UC4
7 testEditNotExistRecipe() Test editing a recipe that doesn't exist. UC4
8 testAddInventoryWithValid() Test adding items in inventory with valid values. UC5
9 testAddInventoryException() Test adding all items in inventory with malformed values. UC5
10 testAddInventoryInvalidCoffee() Test adding coffee in inventory with malformed values. UC5
11 testAddInventoryInvalidMilk() Test adding milk in inventory with malformed values. UC5
12 testAddInventoryInvalidSugar() Test adding sugar in inventory with malformed values. UC5
13 testAddInventoryInvalidChocolate() Test adding chocolate in inventory with malformed values. UC5
14 testCheckInventory() Test updating items in inventory. UC6
15 testMakeCoffeeWithValidInput() Test making coffee with valid values input. UC7
16 testMakeCoffeeWithNoRecipe() Test making coffee while coffee maker hasn't any recipes. UC7
17 testMakeCoffeeWithNotEnoughInventory() Test making coffee with inventory hasn't enough ingredients. UC7
18 testMakeCoffeeWithNotEnoughMoney() Test making coffee while customer input not enough money. UC7
19 testCheckInventoryAfterPurchase() Test making coffee and try to check inventory update. UC6, UC7