Templates - Rinju99/StructureTemplates GitHub Wiki


StructureTemplate module allows creating the structure that can be used multiple times for quick building. The structure templates can either be obtained as item in-game and just be used for quicker building.


Set Up

  1. Create a new word with StructureTemplate mod enabled.
  2. Press f1 to open the in-game command prompt.
    (Note: ctrl+f1 for the mac users).
  3. Type in give structuretemplateitem.
    verify: user can see the template in the item list.
  4. Click right to place the template on the ground.
    verify: template will be placed on the ground & it will be the origin of template.

Part 1: User is able to create a Structure Template file (json)

  1. Make sure set up is done first
  2. Press E while pointing at the origin.
  3. choose Record block addition.
  4. click ESC to exit from the menu.
  5. Start building the desired structure.
    verify: an outline will appear as you build.
  6. Once the desired structure is built, press E pointing at the origin again.
  7. click on Select>copytoclickboard to copy jason file.
  8. Open the notepad, paste it and save at the prefab.
    (path: modules>StructureTemplate>asset>prefab).

part 2: User is able to spawn the Structure Template

  1. First, Complete the part 1.
  2. Click E pointing at the origin.
  3. Disable Record block addition.
  4. Click on Create Structure Spawner which will spawn the structure.
    verify: user will receive a white rectangle with a script on it.
  5. place template wherever necessary by right-clicking.
    Verify: a whole structure will form by just one right click.

part 3: User is able to record both the removal and addition of blocks

  1. press E pointing at the origin, after finish setting up
  2. check the record block removal and record block addition
  3. press ESC to exit and start building the desired structure.
  4. remove unintended blocks.
  5. once you get the desired structure, press E point at origin.
  6. copy the script and save it to the prefab
  7. go back to the game and choose create structure spawner
    Verify: you will see a white template in your item list.
  8. The template will have the final version of the created structure.

part 4: User gets only one structure template item at a time

  1. create a new word with StructureTemplate mod enabled.
  2. Press f1 to open the command prompt.
  3. Type gives structuretemplateitem in the command prompt.
  4. User will receive a template
    verify: user receives a white rectangle tool with a bold T.
  5. Click right to place the template on the ground.
  6. Player only gets one structure template item.
    verify: you won't see another structure template item in the list
  7. press Esc to exit.

part 5: User can modify the region box-shaped

  1. Finish the set up first.
  2. press E pointing at origin.
    verify: you can see option edit region box-shaped
  3. select it to and make changes in the size of the region.
  4. press esc to exit.

part 6: User is able to get structure template item from the menu

  1. Finish the set up first
  2. press E pointing at origin.
    verify: you can see option Create structure template item
  3. click on it verify: user can see template on the item list.
  4. press Esc to exit.
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