0.7.x - RingOV/gis-weather GitHub Wiki
- Updated widget main icon:
- Scale option
- Add SVG support (required gir1.2-rsvg-2.0 (librsvg))
Replaced some icons by SVG icons
Returned compatibility with windows os
Add SGVZ support, replaced SVG icons by SVGZ icons
Some changes in settings dialog
- Add Indicator to panel
- Add RPM build
Add entry for change weekend
Add presets support
Save transparent screenshot to user's HOME folder
- Added German translation
- Added support to run several instances
- Added choice number of instances
- Added argparse
$ python3 gis-weather.py --help
usage: gis-weather.py [-h] [-i N] [-v]
Customizable weather widget
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i N, --instances N number of instances
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
- Added new icons Sketchy by AzureSol http://azuresol.deviantart.com/art/Sketchy-Weather-Icons-135079063
- Added new preset Wood
- Added new preset NotePaper
- Modified city id dialog and Location menu item
- Added new background Air, for default Kde Plasma theme
Added choice weather description style in Appearance tab. You can change both Normal and Italic (Normal - default)
RPM builds suspended
- Improved change location in menu
- Added new localization:
- Dutch
- Greek
- Portuguese
Deleted Weather.com. Why?
Fixed wood preset (bottom space)
You can watch how to right enter AccuWeather city code
Renew rpm build
In Fedora known issue (conflicts with file from package filesystem)
Solved here
Bug fixes
New preset Winter
Removed "+" from Fahrenheit
Added customization to date format
- can change date separator (31.01, 31-01, 31/01)
- swap the day and month
- Available languages:
1. English
2. Dutch (Netherlands)
3. Lithuanian
4. Russian
5. Ukrainian
6. French
7. German
8. Greek
9. Japanese
10. Portuguese (Brazil)
11. Italian
12. Swedish
13. Romanian
14. Polish
15. Spanish
16. Czech
Some critical weather service fixes
Added new weather service – OpenWeatherMap http://openweathermap.org
Added weather service language save to config file
Improved background view when widget scaled.
Improved url opener
Added wind units:
- Beaufort scale
- Knots
- Added new bg «Gray» Author: DeadMetaler
- Added new presets «Compact day» and «Compact date»
- Added API key support (OpenWeatherMap)
OpenWeatherMap required API key now. You can get it free. Register on the Sign up page and copy your API key to Location dialog.