Raiding - RimworldTogether/Rimworld-Together GitHub Wiki

Traveling towards another player's settlement allows you to raid it in various ways.

How to Use

  1. Form a Caravan:

    • Move a caravan to the settlement of the player you want to raid.
  2. Choose Raid Type:

    • Online Raid: If the target player is online, you can engage in an online raid.
    • Offline Raid: If the target player is offline, you can perform an offline raid.

Key Points to Remember

  1. Online Raids:

    • Online raids makes both players engage into a real time session in the same map, while being in sync.
  2. Offline Raids:

    • Offline raids load a copy of the target player's last saved state. Actions in this mode do not affect the target player's actual game.
  3. Raid Cooldown:

    • If enabled, there is a 1-hour cooldown before you can raid the same player again. This setting can be adjusted in the ServerConfig.json file inside the Core folder of the server.

Additional Features

  1. Defense Spots:
    • Set up defense spots in the build menu. These spots designate areas where your pawns will defend your base and wander while offline.