6_how_to_include_gaedo_in_my_application - Riduidel/gaedo GitHub Wiki

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Interested by gaedo ? cool

Wondering how you could integrate it in your code ?

Well, we, the gaedo developers, are big maven users. As a consequence, gaedo is a maven project split in various modules.

Include in a maven project

You can include the artifacts you want. Usually, you'll have to include two artefacts : one for the servcie implementation you choose (as an example, gaedo-google-datastore) one for your IoC container (as an example, gaedo-tapestry)

All other dependencies are pulled by these two artifacts. So, as an example, if you simply put


in you dependencies, all required gaedo modules will come.

As a general policy, we'll always try to release all gaedo modules together. As a consequence, we greatly encourage you to use the same version number everywhere.

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