vscode - RicoJia/notes GitHub Wiki




  1. hotkeys

    1. Navigation
      • c+~ to open terminal
      • ctrl+enter to open file in vertical split
      • c+s+x see extensions
      • ctrl+shift+- for previous cursor position. ctrl+alt+- for next cursor position
    2. c+, for settings
      • c+s+p for settings.json
    3. ctrl + o, open file
      • ctrl + k + o opens folder
    4. see installations, <F1>
    5. debug
      • f9 - breakpoint
      • f5 start debugging
      • c+` to toggle console
      • c+s+` for new terminal
    6. c+f, local string search
      • c+s+f, cross file search
      • alt+f all search
    7. c-s-e is emoji.
      • go to sudo ibus-setup (without sudo you will see import error of gi)
  2. Plugins

    • markdown all in one

    • tabine

      • diabled "" autocomplete so autodocstring can work properly
    • AREPL: click on tab to see it

    • github copilot

    • autodocstring

    • relative go-to

      • when in doubt, check out ~/.vscode
      • alt+s for select, alt+g with +/- numbers
    • Arepl

      from arepl_dump import dump
    • vsnips

    • gitlens

      1. see commit, diff
        • <F1>-git all changes
        • <F1> file history
        • gitlens arrow icon, click multiple times
      2. make commit quickly
        • <F1> -> git commit
        • undo a commit: gitlens
      3. open file remotely; open pr
        • Without any changes to git remote, do remotes->globe icon
        • Else, do gitlens -> remote -> +
    • vscode-vim: insertion mode works

      • -> <c-w>
      • disable
        "vim.handleKeys": {
            "<C-x>": false,
            "<C-w>": false,
            "<C-l>": false,
      • "vim.useSystemClipboard": true
    • Web development

      • installed prettier: code formatter: typescript, javascript, html, css, graphQL; live preview: see the html page;
      • vscode icons
  3. Keybindings

    1. reference: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/keybindings
    2. when accepts a bool variable
    3. custom commands are a pain.
      1. You can do something like with built-in variables
          "key": "ctrl+shift+y",
          "command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence",
          "args": {
              "text": "echo -n '${fileDirname}' | xclip -sel clip \u000D"
  4. Use mouse less

    • How to switch panes?
  5. Explore version lens Sync


C++ Setup


  1. UnInstall Clangd
  2. Use compilation database (compile_commands.json).
    # equivalently in cmakelist.txt
    cmake --build build/
    cp build/compile_commands.json . #in the project folder where CMakeLists.txt gets defined
  3. Go to Edit UI. See here if you don't see it
  4. Configure c_cpp_properties.json
    • And to start using parameter clicking, put vim in insert mode




  1. when you see that your changes in vscode is not showing up in git status, likely it's vscode not saving.
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