vimrc - RicoJia/notes GitHub Wiki
source it:
:so % #so means source, % means this file
- or reload it by opening and reopening the file
help usr_05.txt #useful user manual for vimrc
clipboard: if
- set clipboard = unmmaped
- If this doesn't work for u, download
and vim-gnome
non-compatible: not the original vi settings
file type:
:filetype plugin indent on #turn on file type detector, plugin (go detector, etc. ) :filetype detect #set to python set filetype?
syntax highlighting
- leader key
- leader key
- set VAR? to get the status of the variable.
set ruler = :set ruler , this is called a setting
- On and off:
- :set SETTING
- :set noSETTING
- :set SETTING! THis is to toggle a setting
- values
- help SETTING: See choices of a setting:
- set SETTING&: to set the default values
- :set SETTING? to check the settings
- :set will only display settings with non-default vals
- :h option-list will display the options
- On and off:
color scheme
- placed at ~/.vim/colors
Enter: <CR>, <Enter>, <Return> Escape: <BS> <Up>, <Down>, <Left>, <Right> <Insert>, <Del>, <Home> <End> <PageUp> <PageDown> <Tab> <Bar> '|' <C-X>
- You can put in common patterns into vimrc as well! - ```let mapleader=","``` - ```:map``` :see mappings
Once you replace a file with something new, You might not be able to see the change
is how you reload it. -
allows you to overwrite .vimrc with the current settings.
key syntaxes whitespace, even if you just do
- Modeline: You may want a specific type of file to have specific settings. So at the top/end of the file, do
/* vim: set ts=8 sw=4 tw=0 noet : */
, notice that spacing and colons are important here.
- Modeline: You may want a specific type of file to have specific settings. So at the top/end of the file, do
means the last line,\.
means the current line in: commands
- nmap :NERDTreeToggle: so you can run C-f directly on vim.
- <C-S-v> and <C-v> are really the same.
- let is used to set variables
- let VAR='<Enter>'
- let VAR='<c-t>' #this is for mapping certain keys
- means backslash
- :verbose nmap ... this helps debug keybindings!!
- determine the default position of cursor, from the end of line
nnoremap <Leader>r :%s///g<Left><Left><Left>
map <S-k> <Nop>
you can disable a mapping like this. - xnoremap j mode() ==# "v"? "c```jk" : "kj" //remappiong j in different modes.
- xmap is for visual mode only, vmap is for visual and select
- If you want to create something specifically for visual line mode, do this:
xnoremap <expr> j mode() ==# "v" ? "gj" : "j"
is to invoke a vim function. seehelp mode()
for all modes
call a function on an event
autocmd QuitPre * exec 'FloatermKill!
- exec means to call the plugin command
- QuitPre is quite useful
autocmd QuitPre * call VIM_COMMAND
| is command separator
copy word under cursor to command:
:vs <C-R><C-W><CR>
- CTRL - generates keycode of char - 64 (All ASCII)
- < has ASCII code 60, so CTRL-< is impossible
- is for <, > is fine
Vundle & vim-plug
get vundle: plugin manager. Get that! vim plugin: curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
- Use vim-plug:
- add plug line, - restart vim - PlugInstall - Remove the pluglin - restart vim - PlugClean - PlugUpdate #update all plugins
- vim has default .vimrc, even if it's deleted
- Use vim-plug:
- you need silver searcher
File Explorers (generate a new buffer for u)
- netrw
- Stores in buffer as a hidden buffer file
:e . #to see all files d DIR_NAME # make a new direcotry
- I use nerdtree + ctrlp
- ctrl+p is to search for a file, if there are so many of them.
- ctrl+t is to open file in ctrl + p
- nerdtree
- Great references
- repo
- Nerd Tree List
- - is enter nerd tree
- I've set up auto start
- m is to show list. You can create, delete files easily
- I've remapped
as the quick way of opening/hiding nerd tree - I is to see the hidden directories - q is to close the nerd tree window - File Nav - o is to open and close - x is to close the current node. - Within a directory - P is root (current cwd, the top one in orange) - p is the the parent directory - K is to jump to the top of the current list - J is the last node - U, u is to move tree root up a dir. - C is to select the current dir
- t is to open a file in new tab - R is to refresh. - F toggle whether files are used. (you need to hit F again to re-enable it) - Help - :help NERDTree-TOPIC - ? opens the key binding menu- if nerd tree says "1 file cannot be loaded", it's probably file permissions.
- netrw
Code Snippets
- Fzf uses ultisnippets, really handy. You type the name of the snippets, in Fzf, then hit tab. Note, space not allowed.
- UltiSnippets is the engine, vim-snippets provides all the rules. If you want to customize, go to
to change - add another filetype to UltiSnips:
set filetype?
to see filetype in vim. If there's nothing,au BufRead,BufNewFile *.launch set filetype=xml
- install like here vim - follow this link
- usage: generate a tags file in the root,
ctags -R .
- fzf
- exclude searches that contains a word:
- exlude searches that start with a word
is to see most recent files.
- exclude searches that contains a word:
- coc
- python: CocInstall coc-python coc-pyright coc-json
pip3 install -U jedi-language-server sudo apt install python3-venv
- cocconfig: add: "python.setInterpreter": "/usr/bin/python3", "python.linting.enabled": true
- Basic operations:
for defintion, ctrl-o
- python: CocInstall coc-python coc-pyright coc-json