vim - RicoJia/notes GitHub Wiki
Learn a bit of vim every week! It does take a long time to command. Practice lots.
- Vi is for "visual", vim = Vi + improved. Tailored for Unix systems, and actually vim starts when we start vi.
- Even more ubiquitous than emacs or nano
Vim introduces mode, cuz a key can only function in a certain way: normal, insert, visual (highlight).
Think in vim
- Use hjkl first
- Motion and operator: in dw, d is operator, w is motion.
- There's also count: Count+operator+motion, or operator + count+ motion, like 3D means delete from current cursor 3 times
- use . for repeated action
- You will see a lot of e vs E, b vs B, the key difference is caps think a word is surrounded by whitespace, while small letters can be surrounded by chars
- Text objects:
, a means a, i means inside. - E.g,daw
(delete word including extra spacing), -diw
(delete a word, but keeps spacing) -ciw
easiest way to change word -dap
deletes a whole paragraph,dip
keeps the paragraph boundary, which is a line -das
deletes a sentence,dis
keeps the sentence boundary, which is a . -da[
deletes everything in a [], whiledi[
keeps the boundary - within a tagcit, cat
for angle brackets like<p><\p>
- same thing can be used on y:yaw, yiw; yap, yip, yas, yis, ya], yi]
- ^f means C-f
is to find the last single words, similar toviw, 8
- Registers: storage locations for yanking
- use
, you can see what's in the register-
:reg z
is to see the z register
is to yank a line into register v - There are numbered registers 1,2,3.. and registers with chars.
means to store the line into reg a -
means to append to a register - black hole register: _
- "" stores the most recently deleted regs
means to put from the 0 register, which is the most recent.
- eol stands for end of line
- use
- . means current line
- Save a block in visual mode:
- select using v - enter :w FiLENAME #u will see <,>yank, that just means "block"
- v, then do 3j to select 3 lines down
- Execute normal mode command :
: <,>,norm i# #Best way to insert comment #, Better than insert block, since it's faster
you can do these operations on the visual mode!
- U is for uppercase, u is for lower case, ~ switch cases
- c for change, like select and delete!
- J for join: join all selected text into one
- gv is to reselect the last selection!!
- Tricks
o to go to the other end of the selection, so you can add stuff to the selection
- In visual block mode, O is to go to the same end of the line
- so you can use this to add lines to selection!!
- a is to select the whole paragraph.
o to go to the other end of the selection, so you can add stuff to the selection
- Stuff you can do with block visual mode
I + <Esc>
inserts at the beginning of line -
inserts at the end of selection -
$ + A + <Esc>
inserts at the end of every line (not working for line mode, so substitute is developed) -
change selection to.
Good cheatsheet: try to practice!!
x for cutting char
- A is for append at the end of the line, a appends at the end of a char
- I is to insert at the beginning of line
Delete d, gets stored in the "bin register":
- dw: delete word, at the beginning, including the space
- d$: delete everything from the cursor till the end, $ is regex
- de: delete will the end of word, not including space
- db: delete until the beginning of the word
3dx: delete 3 chars, 3 dw, delete 3 words
- 3dd is to delete 3 lines. 3D is to delete 3 lines from the current cursor. it means do dd 3 times
- ** Hold down x will delete like backspace!!**
- di" delete inside quotes.
- D delete from the cursor to the end of the line
- df<space> is to delete the whole word
- dt char delete everything up to char
- u is to undo a single thing
- U is to undo everything on that line
put & yank
- y (copy) is yank
- "word." is actually two words, . is a separate word.
- you can do y2w to yank two lines
- cut is saved onto a "register", like a clipboard.
- P is put
- -e means edit, that's the edit mode.
- ge, previous word
- Note that . cannot repeat previous navigation motions
- y (copy) is yank
replace (mode)
- r: replace a single character, R is to replace multiple char, (also the replace mode)
- s: delete the current char and insert
change, delete and get into the insertion mode, c
- ce: change everthing from this char, to the end of the word
- c$, c3w ...
- **"in", super cool** ``` yis # yank in sentence, here sentence from one . or new line, to the next vip # visual select in paragraph vis ```
Cool tricks
: In insert mode, delete the current word and insert- cc, deletes a whole line of text
- C, deletes the second half of the line
~ switches cases!
- g
w, g$ ... g means group, so you can switch cases here. - GUW ... IS TO USE UPPER CASE
- GUU is to make the entire line uppercase
- guu is to make everything lowercase
- g
J means join lines.
execute external bash commands in vim**
: means type in a command, ! means an external command. -:r!
is to redirect the output of a bash command
exchange chars:
Insert 80 * in a row:
80I *
- 80* in a column:
80O *
- 80* in a column:
save as
"Read/Retrieve": -r
1. -r FILE_NAME #paste everything in FILE_NAME to the cursor position 2. -r !ls # pase everything from the external command over here, GREAT FOR REPORT!!
- In File Navigation
]] (like >>, next), [[ (like going back)goes to the beginning of the next {} (with the outmost indentation) [], like go back to the previous, then come the end. ][, like go down to the next {}, then come back to the current's end
- gf: go to file under cursor
Indent and unindent:
shift . # do this twice shift , # do this twice get into visual mode, select lines, #indent a block of code shift . gg =G # proper indentation. BUT THERE MIGHT BE THINGS IT LEAVES OUT!!
- indent
i + delim + >
pushes everything within the delim > - Alignment
left [WIDTH]
this align your selected lines to the left, and indent [Width] chars. Default is 80 chars -center [Width]
- indent
- set ruler/noruler: you can see the line numbers.
- z after search is to change pos
<C-W>x = <C_W><C-x>
<C-W><C-V> = :vs; <C_W><C-S> = :s
- file ending with rc means "run command"
Cursor navigation:
- use ctrl-g can see the current line number if you don't see it
edit /etc/vimrc Changed set nocompatible ---> set compatible
- jumps ctrl-o, ctrl-I
- going down the end of a line:
$, j
- parenthese matching, once u r on a parenthese, hit %, you find the other matching parenthese.
- gg is ceiling, G is ground (bottom of file)
- File Scroll down:
C-F, C_B
for full pages,C-D, C-U
for half page up and down - H is head, M is the middle part, L is the lower part of the page.
- ^ means jumping to the first char of the line.
- marks:
- ma, mb is to set marks. Then you can go to the line with marker:
- ma, mb is to set marks. Then you can go to the line with marker:
- { and } is to jump to the last paragraph,
will cut the line above the paragraph and the bottom. - '[ and '] will go to the first & last line of pasted text.
- gJ is to join without space
- marks:
replace in the same line, globally, else, only the first occurence will be subed -
from line a to line b: -
sub in the whole file-
sub in the whole file and prompts the user.
- / for forward search, / for backward search
- Vanilla version
:START_LINE, END_LINE s///gci...
- % means all lines
- . means the current line, $ last line
- You can also do pattern searching, from line the START_WORD, to line with END_WORD
- when you search for special chars like *, you need \
- case insensive:
/\c something
set ic #ic means ignore case
- set
:set hls is #high light search, incremental search
:set nohls nois #cancel high light search, incremental search
- f,t, (search for a char in the same line); F,T (searchf for previous char)
- ; go to the next char
- t is to stop at the char before
(shift 8) is to find all occurences of the word the current cursor points to. Then you can hit h.
- :nohl means no highlight, will turn back on next time.
- exact_match
File navigation
go back to previous file: ctrl ^
with local .vimrc: move cursor to a file name, then type gf.
if you want to switch window,
; quit the window is just:q
:vs #vertical split. :vsplit
previous window -
Close the window -
hjkl, arrows, switch windows -
is to close all other windows? - vertical window -> horizontal window:
ctrl-w shift-h
- horizontal window -> vertical window:
ctrl-w shitf-k
- neutral sub window size:
C-W |
is to maximize window size
Adjust window size:
All windows with same size -
To maximize a window
Macros: keystrokes you record: good for a specific repeating task!
- q + REG_CHAR, do stuff, , q to stop recording.
- Make sure your cursor starts at the same place.
- first go to the beginning of the line, then do your stuff, finally, go to the end of the line
- use macro:
- @ REG_CHAR to play back
- @@ means the most current macro, but first, you need to use one
- save macros:
- .viminfo, stores history and non-empty regs
- in .vimrc:
- record your Macros in register a
let @a = ' '
inside '', just copy your reg content by "ap- If you have ' in your macro, use let @char = "... "
- how to save a macro: qq, then go to vimrc, do
- q + REG_CHAR, do stuff, , q to stop recording.
- find the corresponding character:
insert mode, then hit ctrl-v, and type in the char
- You can't type ^[ as , these are two different chars. You have to use ctrl-v to do that
- Basic flow for buffer and windows
vim * :ls # see files in the current buffer :b ANOTHER_FILE :wa #save all files, short for :wall :qa! " quit everthing :b# # you are go to the last open file :b1 # the 1st item on the buffer. :ls! #you can see hidden files as well :bufdo set nu "bufdo is to execute a command on every buffer
- By default, files created in buffer is not saved onto the disk yet. You have to save it.
- 3 states: active, and loaded into memory; loaded into memory, not loaded into memory nor being active
- hidden buffer is fully loaded into the memory, marked withh, it's just not in view.
means previously accessed buffer - with
set hidden
, When you switch away from a buffer and leave, you will be asked to save. -
will list ones marked with u, those are unlisted -
means modified, but not saved.
- Basic switching
:bn "
next buffer -
Windows -
" b first -
"b last -
tab will cycle thru the buffers -
"previous Buffer
- Basic Deletions
:1,3bd "
delete 1,3 buffers -
:%bd "
delete all buffers -
:bd 1 3
delete buffer 1, 3
- Explore
is to Explore, like nerdtree -
is to delete the explore buffer and go back
- 3 states: active, and loaded into memory; loaded into memory, not loaded into memory nor being active
- Basic movements
```:vs.``` #see all files in the split
```:sp``` see fills in horizontal split
C-W-V #in normal command, create a vertically split window
C_W-C - close the open window
- clipboard
- make sure you have vim-gtk and vim-gnome
- rn we have installed [clang auto-complete](
ctrl-p / ctrl-n
- Problems
- You need C++17, [see here](
- if ymcd server is down, [try this](
- But you may need vim 8.1+, [see here](
- file path completion
you should do ctrl+x + ctrl+f, however we have configured in ~/.vimrc, so you can ctrl-p
- you complete me.
a. you need to copy .vimrc to every root directory of a project
b. I downloaded youcompleteme at ~/.vim/bundle
c. I modified ~/.vimrc for you complete me.
d. I added in ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
- update plugins